Knowing that, I still decided to apply. 

Hopefully, I'll make it.


I was out the door and ready to go. My usual route usually passed by ANHS anyway, so this would be a nice, peaceful walk.

If this was a normal world anyway.

As soon as I passed the corner, a villain flew past me, almost knocking me over. Two heroes followed after, with one stopping to check on me.

"Are you alright?" The lady said to me. I nodded slowly, and she dashed off, chasing the villain.

"What a pain...." I muttered to myself. I continued my somewhat peaceful walk to the school, making sure that I wouldn't run into another disturbance-

"Hello, Hashira." A cold voice called out to me. I knew who this was, so I slowly turned my head around.

"....Hello, Horikita." I said, sighing. 

"Where are you going?"

"Does it matter to you?"

"Yes it does, because I want to avoid that place as much as possible today." The black haired girl said.  This is Horikita Suzune. A pretentious girl who is praised for her amazing Ice quirk. She's very cold to other students, and thinks of herself as the best. Most people would find this annoying, but I find it somewhat comforting to have someone around other than my Mom, even if their only reason to talk to me is to insult me.

"ANHS, for the entrance exam."

"You? ANHS? Don't make me laugh."

"I can make it." Horikita let out a snicker at my statement, and began to walk away.

"Good luck, you're going to need it." She said before vanishing from my vision.


That's the first time she hasn't insulted me in a sentence.


I was here, in front of ANHS. I slowly stepped up the brick stairs, my shoes clacking each time I took a step. I could feel my heartrate rise up as I walked through the building.

The school building was very large, and even had a slight modern look to it, unlike most schools. I admired the scenery around me as I walked into the auditorium for the first time. It was basically a full theater, with reclining chairs and armrests.

I took at seat near the middle of the auditorium, and waited patiently for it to start. A couple of minutes passed by, and the auditorium was filled up. Everyone else were talking to their newfound friends, leaving me to sit in silence.

Eventually, a light-brown haired woman came into the room, holding both a microphone and a clipboard.

"Hello, students! I'm Chie Hoshinomiya, a teacher at ANHS! Some of you may know me as a hero, but we'll get to that later. Just call me Ms. Hoshinomiya!" She said, introducing herself. It seems she caught an immediate interest for the boys, and some interest from the girls.

"Today, you will be taking your entrance exams! I'll give you a quick rundown for you guys, so you don't get confused." She said, pointing at the screen. 

"There are going to be 4 types of robots. Easy, Medium, Hard, and Impossible."

"For each easy robot you destroy, you get 5 points. Medium, you get 10 points. Hard, you get 15 points. However, for impossible, you don't get any points at all. It's pointless to try and destroy these robots, so you might as well just run away and get some points." She was really trying to push that last part there.

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