Part 17

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"They're here."

3rd POV

Everyone was sprinting through the woods making their way to the pack house as fast as possible. Their pack lands were really huge so they will still have a bit of time to prepare. Dream already mind linked everyone about what's to happen.

As they arrived they see a ton of men gathering together, Sapnap was already commanding them on what to do. Children, Omegas and Woman are all being evacuated to the safe room. George saw Karl in line with the other men, he was confused why he'd wanna fight this and not sit this out. 

"Karl!" George shouted.

"George? Sapnap they've arrived!" Karl yelled.

Everyone was then looking at them and bowing their heads to their Alpha who was standing next to George. Dream nod in response as he walls his way to Sapnap.

"Is everything prepared?"

"Yes Alpha, they're all ready to fight with us in battle. How long do you think until those manbergs come here?" Sapnap asked.

"Not long. Oh by the way Phil, Your boys can come with George in the safe room." Dream told all of them. "Are you going to fight with us?" Dream asked Phil.

"Y-yes, I will." Phil nod.

"Sapnap?  Why is Karl preparing with the others?" George asked. 

"Well I tried to tell him to go with you in the safe room but he said he wants to fight since he is a guard." Sapnap replied.

"But if he does he'll be the main target. Its better if he doesn't fight" George said in worry. 

"George is right. He will be a main target, and it would be very hard to focus on anything else if your worried for the other person, Sapnap it's best not to make him fight." Dream responded.

Sapnap thought about it, and he knew they we're right. What if something bad happens to his mate especially when he's a main target of those Manberg wolves. "Okay I'll go talk to him."

"Ill come with you." George said, but before that he turned around facing his mate. Dream sensed what George is feeling at the moment and he hugged George and gave him a kiss.

"Please be safe." George said while still clinging onto Dream. "I will love, promise." Dream responded. George then went in for another kiss and this time it was longer.

"Jeesh get a room you two." Tommy said who was standing next to Tubbo covering his eyes and Phil. Dream and George broke the kiss and laugh together.

"Alright you two come with me." George said to the two kids. Tubbo immediately followed whereas Tommy looked at his dad and say, "Can't I go fight those pest?" Phil made a chuckle and said, "Not now Toms, but you will when you get older and stronger." Tommy made a pouty face before sighing and decided to just slip this off.

George and the two kids were now walking their way with Sapnap to fetch Karl before they go together in the safe room. He was still worried about the possible things that's going to happen during the attack. Not a moment after they spotted Karl near the weaponry grabbing what it looks like a crossbow with needles as arrows.

"Karl." Sapnap said.

"Yeah? Oh hey what's up George." Karl responded. He knee that they're gonna make him go into the safe room.

"Karl, please can't you sit this out?  You'll be targeted all the time if you every join the fight." Sapnap pleaded for his mate.

"Sap, you know I badly want to fight. I'm sick and tired of them." Karl responded.

"But-" before Sapnap can say something else George went ahead to reply instead.

"We need a Guard to protect us just incase Karl, and you're the guard that we need to keep us safe."

"Me? But what makes you think im qualified George."

"I know you are Karl.. So please stay with us instead" George pleaded. 

Sapnap walked up to Karl and started caressing his hair, "Karl, please... For me?" Karl took a moment to think before he responded with a nod. "Okay... I'll stay and protect the people in the safe room." Both George and Sapnap were glad to hear that Karl agreed. "Take care Sappy." Karl said to his made and gave him a hug.  "I will Karl." Sapnap reassured.


George, Karl and the two kids are now on their way down to the safe room when suddenly they saw Bad walking down from the second floor of the pack house.

"Hey Bad!  Where have you been?" Karl said it out loud.

"I was with Skeppy in the surveillance room, but he insisted I go down to the safe room so here I am now." Bad retorted.

"Oh well same as our mates." Both George and Karl agreed.

"Oh hey Tubbo, Tommy!" Bad happily said.  "Is your dad here?"

"Yup" said Tubbo.
"He's gonna be fighting with the big boys." Tommy said in annoyance.

"Aww little tommy all grown up." Bad said and Tommy hissed at him. "Don't treat me like that." We all chuckled and continued our way down. 

As the doors of the safe room began to close. We heard Skeppy yelled something from the second floor.

"They're Here!"

Hanger in the Cliff :3
Hey guys!  Thank you soo much for the nice comments ^_^
My cold is almost gone which means ill be able to write more often :D
Anyways I'll see you next chapter!

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