Depuis le début

You put on your hood from your sweatshirt and turn around again, this time getting on your knees on the seat.

People, person from your class blahblahblah boring.
You shift your sight to the back of the plane since you know where he is...

Yes... You kinda stole his ticket for knowing where his seat will be, just for you know, make sure you'll not be next to him but you put it back immediately after.

Nevermind... You turn around, your coke in your hand and straw in your mouth, and spot him.

 You turn around, your coke in your hand and straw in your mouth, and spot him

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You bite the tip of your straw as you see him in the dark.
You focus and observe his hand, hiding his face.
Exhausted ? Yeah me too dadd-Buddy.

He doesn't seem to do anything, but doesn't sleep either.
He just have his sight fixed to the ground, a hand on his thigh, the other covering his eyes.

Calm. He's calm for once. No anger, no lust, no stone cold face. Just, Calm.

You lick your straw, hypnotized by him.
I didn't lied when i said he's a god. He's a real one.
He's gorgeous. Immaculately gorgeous.
Why do i have to resist already ? I don't care about the rules why don't i just-

He raise his sight to you suddenly and you jolt backwards, hitting the mini window with your elbow making you whimper silently

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He raise his sight to you suddenly and you jolt backwards, hitting the mini window with your elbow making you whimper silently.

You catch the armrest of you seat at the last moment and get back in it, staying immobile, like paralyzed.

You feel your cheeks boiling.
Did he see me staring ? Obviously he did. Please you're so not discreet 'Stasia it's embarrassing.

You grumble and pull the strings of your sweatshirt making your hood shrink around your head.
Lucky me i don't have anyone next to me.

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