They had gone to many rides some were scary rides for adults and some were absolutely childish but either way they had a lot of fun together, after a lot of rides they had decided that they would get a little rest and eat something as Sirius's stomach wouldn't stop rumbling even though he kept on claiming that he was not hungry and wants to continue going to more rides. But even with all the protesting, he winded up getting dragged by Remus to the food section and bought some ramen and chips for himself and a hot chocolate for Remus as a thank you for not making him sit on a bench all day and watch him reading a book all day.

Remus had obviously tried to decline the hot chocolate that Sirius had offered him but in the end, he ended up thanking Sirius for the hot chocolate and took it from him, both of them ate in comfortable silence for a while but it didn't last long as Sirius obviously couldn't stay silent for long even if his life depended on it.


Remus lifted his head from his food to look into Sirius black's stormy grey eyes, which were also staring at his own gold hazel green eyes which were shining brightly as the sun shined on them.

Remus frowned, "what is it?"

"can you forget about what happened on that ride earlier and not speak about it at all" Sirius asked with pleading eyes 

"I will forget about it but you have to answer my question," he said looked at Sirius 

"fine what is it"

"do you have arachnophobia?" he asked as he took a sip from his hot chocolate 

"arcno- what know?" he said raising one brow as he tilted his head to the side 

"arachnophobia is fear of spiders" 

Sirius looked at Remus as if we were someone who had just time traveled from a wizarding world and just cast a spell right in front of his face.

Remus looked back at Sirius and sighed "how come you don't know the meaning of arachnophobia?" 

"because I have the brain of a goat," Sirius said defensively " just done tell the others about what happened earlier" he whispered before he went back to eating the food he had bought for himself.

Remus looked at Sirius for few seconds before he as well went back to eating his food in silence. a few minutes had passed of silent eating before Lily and James had come to join them on their table, the four of them had talked about all the rides they had gone to and what souvenirs they have bought.

After they had all finished eating they went to more rides but this time all four of them together, James had insisted that he wants to go to the hunted ride with everyone but Sirius kept on trying to detracting James about the hunted ride by going to other rides. by 8:30 pm all of them had ridden all the ride and were now going back to their own house  - well in Remus and Lily's case it was their dorms- each of them with at least holding 2-3 bags of snacks and souvenirs they had bought.

Once Lily and Remus had arrived at their dorms they each went to their own rooms changed into comfortable clothes before heading back down to the red and gold decorated common room where they sat in their usual seats in front of the fireplace where the bright golden fire was giving of a wave of warm heat, they set out their papers and a small round brown table as they began to do the work that they had yet still not fished up and talking to each other about everything and anything.

but to Sirius and james work wasn't as important so once the duo had reached their apartment they watched a movie and a few episodes of their favorite show before they went to sleep by 11:50.


word count: 1432

I'm really sorry for the late update I was really busy with school work and I was going through writer's block.

honestly, School can go suck a dick, we literally have two English essays to complete one Spanish and one french essay, and a science essay about sex cells which was due yesterday but I still haven't fished it yet like what's the use of all these essays and honestly, I don't think I'm ever in the mood to continue my science essay, I love science in general but i hate biolagy I like physics I like chemistry but I hate biology like why do I have to study it if I'm not even thinking about becoming a doctor in the future.

question of the day.

 what is your zodiac sign? and do you believe in zodiac signs?

my zodiac sign is cancer and I'm still in doubt about the Zodiac signs so I don't fully believe in them.

what is your MBTI?

I'm an INTJ, I have repeated the test at least 3 times to make sure that my results were the same before I started doing some research about my personality, and I found out that it actually represented me quite well. if you still haven't found out about your MBTI here is the test I used

well i hope you had a wonderful day my Moonstars ( do you guys like the name moonstars?)  

this is siriuslywolfstar and she hopes for you to stay alive and not die 

word count after A/N: 1682

All Started With a Simple Prank Message { Wolfstar + Jily }Where stories live. Discover now