Chapter 5

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Tsukki packed up his laptop and changed into his school uniform. He stared down at Yamaguchi who gently snored into the dinosaur blanket. Drool slipped down his chin, making him look like a child. He sighed as he walked out the room and straight into a smaller woman.

"Kei?" Tsukki looked down to see Ms. Yamaguchi.

"Good morning Yamaguchi-San." Tsukki bowed and straightened back up.

"How's Tadashi?" She asked looking down at her phone.

Tsukki frowned as she looked like she didn't care. He couldn't ignore her however. "Good. He's asleep right now. If you excuse me, I must get to school."

She sighed and looked up. "Kei. Take care of him? He trusts you and I know he can't say the same about me."

"If you don't mind me asking... where are you going?"

"I can't visit hospitals. I'm sure Tadashi has a fear of them too, seeing his father die here years ago. I can't watch my son do the same, so I'm not coming back." She responded, wiping a loose tear and walking off.


• • •

Three Months Later

"So Hinata got hit by Kageyama in the face today?" Yamaguchi laughed. "At least you guys made it through to Nationals."

"Yeah. It'll be better if you were here with us though." Tsukki replied, holding Yamaguchi's arm as a small support while they walked through the hospital garden. Three months have passed and Yamaguchi definitely wasn't doing better. He lost a lot of weight, his bones now seeming to be sticking out. His eyes were dark, it was harder for him to sleep now as he developed signs of insomnia.

"Yeah. I'll be there soon though." Yamaguchi replied. He took a deep breath and staggered a bit to the side, Tsukki quickly regaining the green haired boys balance. "C-Can we sit?"

"Yeah." Tsukki replied, and the two sat on the cement wall. "So what will you do when you get back home?"

Yamaguchi thought as he kicked his legs back and forth. The warm spring air flying past his hair. "Hug everyone. Especially... uh... the-" he stopped and thought. "The one with gray hair. What's his name?"


"That's the name?" Tsukki stared at Yamaguchi who looked hurt. "I-I really forgot his name."

"It's okay." Tsukki comforted. "They haven't been here in a while anyways. Jerks huh."

Yamaguchi let out a shaky laugh. He turned away and Tsukki stared at the boy. His chest rose a bit longer than usual, and his hands stayed up on his face. He was crying. Tsukki sighed and carefully pulled Yamaguchi into a hug.

Yamaguchi let out shaky breaths as tears began to fall faster. "I've forgotten his name.... I really forgot his name. I'm so horrible." He cried and Tsukki didn't know what to say. He just held the crying boy as he carefully played with the messy green hair. It's gotten longer after not being cut, and it stuck out like little spikes.

"H-" Tsukki cleared his throat from the little voice crack that came out from trying to hold the lump in his throat. "How about we go play some volleyball?"

"Can we." Yamaguchi looked up, his hospital gown was a bit wet from the tears that slipped down his chin. Tsukki gave his best friend a smile and nodded his head, skipping upwards awkwardly. Yamaguchi let out a small laugh as Tsukki regained balance and turned around.

"Tadashi, may I?" Tsukki smiled bowing slightly as he held a hand out.

Yamaguchi blushed and slowly took it. He was lifted off from the cement wall and the two made their way towards the box of toys always kept on the side of the garden. Yamaguchi grabbed the green ball and smiled at it before tossing it to Tsukki.

"You wanna try your jump float serve?" Tsukki asked as he tossed it up and down.

Yamaguchi nodded his head and the ball was thrown towards him. He quickly got it and stared ahead. He took a deep breath and the ball went flying up, he took two steps before jumping up and the ball flew from the tip of his fingers. Tsukki felt his cheeks lift up as a wide smile appeared. Yamaguchi was just as shocked and he let out a triumphant yell.

"I HIT IT TSUKKI! TSUKKI DID YOU SEE!" Yamaguchi grinned, racing for the ball. "SEE IM GETTING BETTER BY THE DAY!" He smiled wide, cheeks pink, and eyes closed.

Tsukki felt his heart drop at that, but he kept the small smile on his face. "Yeah you are. Come on let's toss."

"Coming Tsukki!" He raced back, and the two began to play for the rest of the day.

As the night sky appeared, the two decided to head back up to the hospital bed. Tsukki stared with his straight apathetic face as Yamaguchi walked faster ahead towards the vending machine. "Can we get some snacks?" He asked turning around and Tsukki already had money out.

"Which ones?" Tsukki asked, putting the money in the machine.

Yamaguchi studied the snacks until he looked at the numbers. He carefully tapped the numbers and out came some chips along with a box of chocolate pocky's. "I'll pay you back when I get out of here." Yamaguchi laughed gently. "Thank you!"

"Don't worry about it." Tsukki replied calmly. He put his hands into his jacket as Yamaguchi turned into the room. Something hard touched his cold hands, and he frowned before pulling the familiar moon and star trinkets out. He never gave them to Yamaguchi.

He closed the hospital bedroom door and looked at Yamaguchi as he laid down the snacks on the blanket. "I'm going to take a quick shower." He informed as he opened the bathroom door.

"Wait do you need help-" Yamaguchi gave Tsukki a puzzled look and Tsukki internally smacked his face. "I meant with like turning the water on... or something?"

Yamaguchi studied the face in front of him for a bit longer, before releasing a laugh. "N-No It's okay I can shower myself. You can try to figure out a movie for us to watch though."

"Wait-" Tsukki reached out for the small boy. His hand wrapping too easily for Tsukkis liking, around the bony wrist. Yamaguchi turned back around, his long hair falling in front of his eyes. Tsukki sighed as he carefully lifted up his other hand and brushed the hair away. "I..." He thought, heart pounding.


"I bought this for you, I forgot to give it to you though."


It's too soon...

Tsukki reached into his pocket and pulled out the trinkets. Yamaguchi's face lit up, the side of his eyes scrunching softly from the wide smile across his face.

"The moon and stars! Tsukki you didn't have to-"

"I know. But they would look... they would look cute on you." Tsukki blushed as he gently let go of Yamaguchi's arm. "Now go shower you smell."

Yamaguchi shook his head with a quiet chuckle before walking into the bathroom. Tsukki hated when the boy showered. He sat against the bathroom door, listening to the water. It turned on, a rustling noise was heard, and the water was gently pouring. A soft hum always came from the bathroom. Tsukki smiled hearing the hum, his beating heart slowing down as he realized Yamaguchi's okay.

Not being able to see Yamaguchi, freightend Tsukki. He could slip or just die right there, and Tsukki wouldn't know. He just wanted to hold the sick boy, and protect him from the cruel world. But, Yamaguchi managed a smile and believed he would go home. Tsukki knew better.

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