Ch. 6 1/2 The Nightmare

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He was alight with flames. His lungs and organs burned within him, down to his very core. He felt as though he was looking through blood stained glass, the world tinted red around him. The ground shook and quaked beneath him, before tearing open and swallowing him whole. Danny tried to scream, but his voice sunk into the darkness, being absorbed into it like tar. the ground shot up, crashing into his back and knocking the air from his lungs. He gasped, his toxic green eyes begging the room to stop spinning.

Once he had regained his breath, the room began to seem more like a room, with the spinning walls and ceiling finally settling into place. He steadily pushed himself up, feeling as though he was going to be sick. He didn't even question the familiar NASA posters lining the wall, or the open Fenton thermos knocked over on his dresser. Danny stood and trailed his hand down his wall, leaning against it whenever the room threatened to spin again. He shuffled into the hallway, and towards the bathroom. The house was dark and silent, and honestly it was a mess. All of this went without Danny noticing as he stumbled into the bathroom, greedily turning on the faucet to splash the cool water onto his face. Steadying his breathing, he lifted his head to see if he looked as crappy as he felt. Danny jumped back, falling backwards onto the freezing bathroom floor. Red eyes stared back at him, matched with a sinister sneer on pale green skin. The figure in the mirror towered over him, flames of white rising from the figures head.

"You really think you could've sealed me away just like that? Me? I'm YOU Danny! You can never run from yourself, and what you'll eventually become!" The figure snapped his head back and let out a low, horrifying roar of laughter. His head cracked back into place before he leaned back and began to slam himself against the bathroom mirror. Each slam of the man sent a stake of pain into Danny's skull.

"Stop! No!" Danny brought his legs close to his chest and slammed his hands over his ears. He squeezed his eyes shut as tears streamed down his cheeks, fear clawing at his chest with every slam of the villain against the mirror. He heard the mirror began to crack, and pieces shattering against the tiled floor. Danny began to scream, just wanting this... nightmare to stop.

And then, it did. Everything was silent. Danny slowly opened one eye, and then another. The mirror was back to normal, and the only thing staring back at him was his own empty green eyes. He stood back up and pressed his fingertips against the mirror, a sigh escaping his lips.

"You really are losing it..." He whispered to himself. Something was off, he just couldn't place what it was. He felt.. out of place. Like he was here, but he wasn't. His soul felt misplaced.

"I told you... you can't outrun me Danny." A voice snapped from his reflection, before two, black gloved hands smashed through the mirror and dragged Danny inside the mirrored world.

{A/N: Sorry for the late uploads! My computer crapped out so I had to get a new one. This one works better, so uploads should be more consistent. Thanks!}

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