I ran inside and found my grandfather inside the kitchen, his flannel-covered back facing me as he stirred something in the pot over the stove. I walk over to him and peer over his shoulders and into the pot to see him making my favourite food.

"Pasta with homemade sauce? That's exactly what I like to see," I grinned as I inhaled the delicious aroma. 

"Yes, yes, you got to wait a few more minutes so that I can add the basil. Go wash your hands and set the table while I finish up," he chuckles when he sees my impatient expression. 

I rolled my eyes and quickly washed my hands by the kitchen sink. I grab the plates and utensils from the cupboards and drawer and then set them on the table where we usually sit. Like always at our round wooden table surrounded by 4 chairs, I would sit on the side against the wall with my grandfather beside me. Occasionally when my aunt would come over, she would sit beside my grandfather facing me. 

"Also!" My grandfather said as he briefly turned around to face me, "tomorrow I'm heading out to your Aunt Marie's. Someone finally bought the Dawson's house and they're moving in. So, me and some of the men are going to help them move in," my grandfather says as he continues to stir the pot with the tomato sauce. "You know... as tradition."

I nodded at him carefully while I watched him then mix the pasta with the sauce in the pot. He looks over at me as he continues to mix the sauce with the pasta.

When he sees my impatient eyes he chuckles.

"We have your grandmother to thank for this recipe. I added some garlic to the sauce just like she would," he says fondly. "Also I used Marie's fresh tomatoes that she dropped off earlier"

"She always had the best Italian food recipes," I agreed, referring to my grandmother's pasta sauce recipe. An image of my sweet grandmother pops up in my mind and I smile sadly. I truly loved her. She was an amazing, strong woman. She was energetic and extroverted in the very best way and she was quite the opposite of my grandfather who was often put together and sturdy while she was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. They both complimented each other so well, she had always been such a motherly figure in my life.

She also took great care of me while she was around, making sure I never missed those who were not around.

"Remember when she burnt the turkey on Thanksgiving and it started a fire! She accidentally used the fire extinguisher on you and completely missed the turkey," I guffawed as the memory replayed in my mind while I talked. With that, my grandfather starts loudly laughing along with me. The memory was still fresh in our minds and it was still absolutely hilarious. Just 3 years ago, my grandmother was still an active member of our life. I remember her getting mad at my grandfather for getting in the way of the extinguisher even though he wasn't even close.

"Oh, Revina was always unintentionally clumsy. From that day on I swore to become vegetarian because I'm telling you that what I ate that day was not edible" My grandfather shuddered before chuckling deeply.

I laughed because I remember my grandmother forcing my grandfather to eat the turkey even though it was burnt. He protested and called my grandmother crazy but she didn't back down, insisting that he eat it because apparently, it was just a little 'overcooked'. He wasn't kidding though because he seriously went vegetarian after that. It was for his heart, but he'd never admit it. 

I didn't even notice he was done with the pasta until he put the delicious pot of food in the center of the table with a serving spork. I quickly grabbed my plate and served myself a helping, sheepishly smiling at my grandfather when I saw him quirk a brow at my quick motions. I quickly checked outside to see if the moon was out because I wanted to get out as fast as I could.

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