🙃Claude Reed🙃

95 4 69

Birthday: January 2nd (born in Lyon, France)

Gender: Male (ftm)

Sexuality: Gay

Hair color/length: brown, shoulder-length

Eye Color: Green

Skin tone: Tan

Scars: A few scars are from being a wild child. There's a few very noticeable scars (one on his right cheek and one that stretches from his shoulder to his chest) that are from a fight with an ex-friend who messed with his sister.

Ethnicity: French

Personality: Claude's the exact opposite of Jasmine; he's uptight, overprotective and comes off as cold most of the time. Deep down though, He's really just an awkward, lovable idiot who can't pick up social cues-.

Clothing- whatever tf he wants (something like the pic below-)

Random Fact: His type is very much guys who are independent but not completely detached from him

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Random Fact: His type is very much guys who are independent but not completely detached from him. A L S O he's the oldest of the Reed kids and you best believe as a kid he would brag all the time about it-


Also this::
Jasmine: pspspspsps- holding out a cup of iced coffee

Claude: s p r i n t i n g over

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