"You're all ready to go"| Band Au

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(I feel like it's a coincidence that I just wrote the K-on! One-shot... Heh- I'm also gonna go cry- No spoilers U^U) 

Motoyasu and Naofumi liked to hang out in their club room, Ren, Itsuki, Myne and Raphtalia usually joining them. They usually liked to practice their band practice, as they had all made a deal to be a band when they were young. Motoyasu was the guitarist, Naofumi played bass, Ren played the drums, Itsuki liked to tune the music and add extra sound effects, Myne played an electric guitar, and Raphtalia did vocals. She also did piano, but that wasn't used very much in their songs. 

Motoyasu and Naofumi had the closest bond in the club, as they were friends the longest. They had met on the first day of kindergarten and met the others in the first grade. At the moment, Naofumi and Motoyasu were hanging out in the club room, getting ready to practice. 

"I-I need you to tune this again.." Motoyasu requested, hiding his face in embarrassment. 

"You really need to learn how to tune your guitar, you are the guitarist of the band after all...But yes I'll tune it for you,"  Naofumi sighed, taking Motoyasu's guitar from his hands. Naofumi began to play around with the machine heads and stroking his hands along the strings. He repetitively did this, waiting for the right tune. 

"Can't you just buy a tuner or whatever? It tunes the guitar for you," Naofumi stated. 

"Okay, we'll head over to the music store after school and pick one up!" Motoyasu smiled happily, a little sad that Naofumi wouldn't hold his guitar anymore.  

"Oh, I do want to ask Motoyasu," Naofumi started, looking at him. 


"How come you only play guitar in the band? You also know how to sing, play the drums, harp, piano, hell you can even play the violin!" Naofumi huffed, a little jealous of how many instruments Motoyasu could play. 

"guitar is my favourite! Plus it fits with the band well, I get to play it for the whole show instead of some of the show!" Motoyasu cheered.

"Well...I suppose you are the best in the band," Naofumi mumbled, standing up. 

"Well, you're all ready to go, c'mon." Naofumi smiled, looking at Motoyasu again.  

Motoyasu and Naofumi hooked up their guitars and began to practice together. Naofumi smiled, liking the clash of their instruments. 

Naofumi hummed the vocals, happy it was just him and Motoyasu. Motoyasu had that same smile on his face that showed he was happy, and Naofumi adored it. 

The two were walking along the sidewalk, the sun setting. Beautiful warm colours claimed the sky, casting a burst of beautiful sunshine. "Hey Motoyasu, have you ever noticed how pretty sunsets are?" Naofumi asked, unable to keep his eyes away from the sunset. 

"They are quite nice...Oh! One of these days we should watch the sunset, and then stargaze!" Motoyasu cheered, liking his idea. Naofumi looked at him, his cheeks becoming hot and tingly. 

"You're so childish," Naofumi giggled. "But sure," 

The two came to a crosswalk, and Naofumi let out a sigh. "I hate crosswalks...It always takes forever to cross," Naofumi complained. 

"Well there aren't too many cars," Motoyasu chuckled, pressing the button. 

"So, are you excited to play a show for the school's talent show?" Motoyasu asked, remembering that they had all agreed on that. 

"Yeah, I am! Though to be completely honest I forgot we were doing that," Naofumi mumbled, only focused on the fact that they would become an official band playing concerts soon. Their first and second show at their school was a huge hit, and they got daily compliments. 

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