Chapter One: The Beginning of the Journey

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Hajime shut off the news after hearing that the professor had come back to Sinnoh after her trip to Kalos.

He walked over to his desk picking up his notebook that contained all sorts of random pokemon facts that he had written from the different things he had observed from pokemon that his mom's friends used to bring with them.

The idea of having a pokemon was trilling.

Hajime had always wanted to go on his journey, becoming stronger and traveling the world. Yet here he was eighteen-years-old and still never got his first pokemon.

The door slammed open suddenly causing Hajime to jump up from his desk and turn to the door, in surprise.

"You heard the news Professor Yukizomie is in Sandgem Town," Makoto shouted as he burst into his neighbor's room excitedly jumping up and down.

Hajime started at Makoto and was taken off guard.

The news had just been broadcasted not even two minutes ago. "Yeah, I saw but what does that have to do with anything Makoto?"

He asked once he realized that that was why his friend was even here in the first place.

The boy grinned excitedly. "We should ask her for our first pokemon!"

Hajime was stunned, did Makoto think some lady would give some random eighteen-year-olds pokemon when they could have gotten them eight years ago. "Uh, where did you get this idea?"

Makoto sighed. "Did you forget? Her grandfather gave May, Brendon, and Wally, their first pokemon years ago."

Hajime started at Makoto like he was an idiot. "That was over fifteen years ago, Makoto."

The boy smiled. "Exactly! So she'll give us some, besides May, Brendon, and Wally are heroes because of what they have done."

"You mean when they achieved their dreams?" He asked confused, causing Makoto to jump surprised that Hajime had forgotten "No! I mean when they helped take down Team Magma and Team Aqua back in the Hoenn Region!

Oh, that. "Do you think that would happen for the two of us?"

He was skeptical, there was no way a random professor would give two teens a pokemon just because they asked.

Makoto had some big dreams for sure if he believed that would happen.

Then again this is the same guy who has a crush on Kyoko Kirigiri the pokemon detective, who Makoto had only spoken to three times.

Only because he met her purely by chance.

Makoto only grinned excitedly before turning to the stairs. "Meet me at the start of route one!" With that Makoto was gone just as fast as he came in, leaving Hajime to stare at the empty doorway, before sighing in defeat.

Grabbing his backpack, he walked out of his room and down the stairs.

His mother sat on the couch staring at the TV lost in thought, not noticing her son walk out the door.

Once outside he looked around the small town that had four houses, and that was the entire place.

The lamest and loneliest place in all of Sinnoh.

Makoto was indeed waiting for Haime at the edge of the town(If you could even call it a town) standing next to the sign staring at the tall grass as if he was debating running into it.

"We run from one patch of grass to another, we can get away from wild pokemon in time," Makoto mumbled to himself.

"No, that's wrong." Hajime snapped pointing at him. "You would know better than anyone that, what you said isn't true."

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