“Niall.” I replied shooting him daggers as I bit my trembling lip. He stayed silent for a few minutes just staring… at nothing. It was really creeping me out and I could tell the other boys were getting uncomfortable as well.

“I… I want to talk to you.” He sighed looking down at the tiled kitchen floor. “Alone.”

“I have nothing to say to you… I’m sorry.” I whispered standing up and walking out of the kitchen into my room.

“DAMMIT.” I heard him yell before I heard a bang.

I sighed and walked over to a closet looking for a dust pan to clean up the glass. I luckily found one and walked into the bathroom and bent down sweeping everything into the dust pan.

All of a sudden everything went dark. I couldn’t see anything. It was about 9o’clock in the morning now but with the storm it was as good as night.

“Kayls where are you?” I heard Zayn call into the dark hotel room. I stood up and followed his voice.

“I’m right here.” I whispered walking up to where I saw his silhouette.

“Why are you whispering? Come here babe, the power just went out.” He said grabbing my wrist and pulling me with him. I saw some flashlights and candles sitting on the table all lit up and the boys sitting on the couches well… I could only really see their feet, that’s as far as the light went. “Sit.”

I walked over to a spot where I saw no feet and sat down not sure where I was sitting or who I was sitting next to.

There was a huge crash and I jumped a bit… okay a lot and I was now practically on the person who was next to me’s lap.

“I’m sorry.” I giggled sliding off.

“Its fine babe, thunder is quite scary.” I heard Louis’ voice tease and I could only imagine the smirk on his face.

We all sat there in an eerie silence for a little till a familiar voice broke it.

“How?” Niall questioned.

“How what?” Harry said and Niall cleared his throat a bit.

“How did your father die Kaylee… I want to know if you don’t mind.”

I sighed and took in a deep breath. “Okay… listen then, because I hate repeating myself.”

“Growing up my father was never around much to begin with. He was always out. I can remember sitting down for dinner with my mom and asking where he is and when he’s coming home and she would just shrug and try to distract me with anything else.”

“Uh, I remember nights where he’d come home really late and there would be yelling and screaming and things being thrown… it wasn’t the right environment for a young girl to be in. My mother tried to explain to me that… that the man that was running around yelling and being violent wasn’t really daddy… she said he drank something bad that made him this way. How else could you explain it to a four year old?”

My throat started to dry up and I felt like tears were going to start falling from my eyes. “Uh now I understand that he was an alcoholic and drank 24/7 and could never hold a damn job or support his family. I still wonder to this day why mom never left him.”

“Kaylee you don’t have to…” Harry said probably noticing my voice cracking and hearing my sniffles.

“No it’s fine I want to. Anyway, so it went on like that. Late night fights, abuse, being absent, insults being thrown at my four year old self. I just kept telling myself that… that wasn’t my daddy, that there was someone else in there… silly me.” I laughed half-heartedly. “When I was five my dad had a heart attack and was rushed to the ER. I remember pure chaos as my mom dragged me around the hospital behind my dad’s body as he screamed wildly.”

“The stares people gave me were awful… but they had no idea. A few hours later the doctor came out and said they lost him. His drinking was too heavy… and his body shut down… he died on my fifth birthday.” I said a tear slipped down my cheek onto the palm of my hand. “So Niall I do know how you feel and I’m sorry for your loss, it hurts. I’m sorry because of this stupid storm you can’t be there for your family or your mom… I’m just… sorry.” I felt my hot tears drip down my cold cheeks as I let out everything I had in me.

“Kaylee I had no idea and I swear if I did I would have never blown up on you like that. I’m so sorry… I just got angry and frustrated with everything.” Niall sighed and I heard footsteps.

“Niall do you still want to talk to me alone?” I asked remembering from earlier as he sat down on the other side of me.

“Yes… if you don’t mind.” He whispered. “Not at all.” I said back as I stood up.

“We will be right back.” Niall told the other boys as we walked into my bedroom. I sat on the bed, the room completely dark. I felt the bed go down a bit in front of me as Niall sat.

“What’s up Niall?” I asked dangling my feet off the bed.

“I just… I needed someone to talk to…. Someone who knows how I feel.” He mumbled softly.

“Well I’m here Ni, go ahead.”

“I miss my dad. I haven’t spoken to him in 3 months and now… now I will never speak to him again.” I heard Niall’s voice crack and a light sob. I reached over and placed my hand on top of his. “I feel awful that I can’t be there for my brother… or my mum… I hope she’s alright… this stupid storm.” He spat, his body tensing up.

“Niall calm down….” I said softly as he relaxed. We talked for a while longer and he asked me questions about my dad and what it was like growing up without one.

“Well it was hard… my mom was a bit depressed. She worked all the time leaving me with only my grandpa, well I called him poppy… He watched me every day and we’re really close, he’s my best friend.” I smiled slightly at the thought of him. “My mom is never really around, always on business trips or out with friends… I pretty much raised myself I guess… with some help from my poppy of course.”

“Wow… I’m so sorry I just can’t stress enough how sorry I am for you.” Niall huffed and I heard him shift on the bed. “I’m sorry.” He whispered over and over again.

“Niall it’s okay… I forgive you.” I said hesitantly than I had the urge to do something… “Niall?”

I still hate him. I may have forgiven him for this but not for everything else he has done…

“Yeah Kaylee?” He asked and I saw the outline of his head look up and over at me. I didn’t reply but instead I pressed my cold lips to his.

I kissed the boy I hated.

Well there you have it! What do you think of what happened at the end?!!? give me your thoughts on Kiall!

and im going to tell you guys who is in the hospital within the next... two chapters maybe? :) we will see! OKay so 7 votes, 4 comments and maybe some fans for the next chapter? c:

~Liv xox

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