chapter - 1

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Mew pov

I changed into nth suite . But still my mother isn't convinced . I glared at my brother who is laughing at me .

P'thorn stop laughing will you ?

This time he burst's off laughing loudly catching everyone's attention.

My father chuckles at my brother's antics .The wedding coordinator hands me another suite .and pushes me to change into it .

I shake my head telling my mom that am tired but she glares at me .this wedding is getting on my come people get excited when it's these tiring .
I lazily go into fitting room and change into it .
As I come out my mom stands up excitedly and claps her hands like 5year old looking at a candy .
Finally she liked it .she is very excited about the wedding . My dad pats my shoulder Telling me am looking handsome. My brother clicks my picture .

You all may think it's my it's my brother's wedding .am his best man . Just imagine how many suites my brother would have changed to convince our mom.
I chuckle at my thoughts . With that we leave to our home.

It's a tire full day .but still it worths my families happiness . I love them so much .

I wash myself and lay on my bed . My phone beeps . It's a reminder tomorrow is one of the most important day in my life .

as soon as I see his picture on my home screen tears escape my eyes . I tried stopping myself thinking about him again but I failed . My small cries turned into sobs .

I heard my bedroom door open and I see p'thorn sitting beside me and pulling me to his chest . I cry loudly fisting his night shirt. He pats my back and draws circles .

Thorn:- mewie it's alright. It's ok .Cry it out . Its ok .

Mew:- it hurts p'thorn .I wail like a kid in his arms.

Before I know I fell into deep slumber . Even in my dreams I see him . Begging me to forgive him .

Thorn pov

After finishing my work .I was going to check on mew because tomorrow is an important day in his life . The day which changed him from most loyal person to a play boy .

As I enter his room I hear his sobs .I rush to his bed and pull him to me .
I confront him for few minutes .I hear his soft snores .I lay him properly on bed and cover him with duvet .plant a kiss on his forehead and exit the room.

When I enter the living room I see my parents sitting on the the look on their face I can guess they heard mew crying.

it break any parent's heart seeing their children crying .

I sat across them . My father heavs a sigh . It's been 4 years but he is still not able to move on completely.he won't cry everyday or every night.but only when something triggers him and reminds him the painful day.

I pray to god everyday to remove sorowwnes from his life.the most joyful person turned to a heartless one. He stopped smiling like he used to he plasters a fake smile now. Hope someone helps him find his true self again.

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