♚ Password Killer 21 Looking For The Murderer ♚

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"Looking for a murderer?"

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang looked at each other and looked at Zhang Hua puzzledly,

"What game?"

Zhang Hua was silent for a while and said,

"We... Played in a club."


Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang frowned,

"Just be more specific!"

Zhang Hua smoked a cigarette and said,

"We were at that time, there were many things that were not yet available, and computers were not so popular, and after school life, I  liked to listen to CDs or something."

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang looked at each other, nodded, and listened to Zhang Hua's explanation. On the other hand, Ma Han and the others were very interested, they also smoked at the door while listening. When Ma Xin left, there was a gap in the door.

Bai Yutang especially left it so that the voices in the room can be heard outside, and most importantly, the few people outside can observe Zhang Jian Qi's expression by the way and see if there are any special changes.

"We have six people in a dormitory, me, Hao Mo, Wang Liang, Xu Feng, Liu Ming and Chen Zi Nan......"

Zhang Hua took a bit of a cigarette and said,

"Actually......In fact, Wang Liang and the four of them, aren't as bad as the people say. They are made up for fear of responsibility after the incident happened!"


Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang were taken aback. And everyone at the door frowned.

"Some of them sometimes fight or joking and skip class, but many college boys have done this kind of thing. Wang Liang and the four of them look fierce on the surface, but, they are just like other classmates. That's because they want to form a band, they are a little maverick, and they don't like to associate with the nerds in the class."

"In other words, the four of them didn't take turns to rape Ye Ling at all?!"

Zhan Zhao asked.

Zhang Hua shook his head,

"It's just that they're all dead, and Ye Ling is crazy again, we just ......"

"It's your father's attention, isn't it?"

Bai Yutang asked,

"How else would the teachers and students agree on everything and have the same answer?"

Zhang Hua hesitated for a moment and nodded.

The police officer at the door looked at Zhang Jian Qi and saw that his face was flushed and bowed his head in regret, not as if he was lying.

"Tell me about that club,"

Bai Yutang said,

"What the hell is going on in that club."


Zhang Hua nodded and slowly began to tell Zhan Zhao and  Bai Yutang.

"At that time, we had a lot of free time. Ye Ling was the school flower and the most beautiful girl in a school of our school, she was very beautiful and she started dating Hao Mo."

Zhang Hua smiled bitterly.

"Hao Mo came from the countryside, studied hard, and was very nice and pure......A girl like Ye Ling is not suitable for him. This is the common feeling of a few of our brothers."

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