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"There she paused for a while thinking... but the temptation was so great that she could not conquer it"

I woke up from a dream about a woman who was running from who knows what, and a car hit her. This man dressed in all black came and killed her when the other guy wasn't looking.

She was like in a trance when the guy had touched her face, like she was seduced. It was weird and creepy.

"Lizzie!" Dad called out


"Get changed I gotta case"

"What about school?"

"You still got two days left for that note now come on!"

I get changed and when we get to the crime scene I notice it's the same bridge from my dream.

"Driver of the car Leroy Kent, says he's driving home from work, drives onto the bridge, see's victim running and she runs right in front of his car. Says it happened so fast couldn't do anything" Hank says

"Get an I.D. on the Vic?" Dad says

"No wallet, no purse and looks like she just got out of bed"

"Well, Mr.Kent have anything to drink?"

"He's had a couple, but he's under the limit"

"Any witness?" Dad asks

"Well, driver said there's was one other guy told him to call 911 but he didn't stick around. I got guys out doing a canvas now."

So everything happened in my dream? No it's just a coincidence.

"Mr. Kent?"

"Yes?" The guy said

"How you feeling?" Dad asked

"Is she dead?"

"Yeah" Hank said

"At first I thought she might be okay, I mean the guy said she was still breathing." Leroy said

"This the guy who told you to call 911?" Hank asked

"Yes, I ran over there as soon as it happened and he just walked up."

"And where'd he go?" Dad asked

"I don't know I, I called 911, I look back he was gone."

"Any idea what he looked like?"

"Not really, no, I was pretty shook up and I was paying attention to her."

We take a look at the body and same women from my dreams, same bridge, and same guys.

Not a coincidence at all, anymore.

After we found out how the woman died and who she was, we went to see her husband at his work.

"You Roy Collins?" Hank asks

"What she tell you? She saying I hit her?" Roy asks

"She didn't say anything" Dad says

"Well that's different, she usually complains about everything I do"

"Well, she's not going to be complaining anymore, we founded your wife's body last night"


"Your wife's been murdered, look I know this is difficult but we need to know, when's the last time you saw her?" Hank says

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