Recovery: Part 2

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Nate P.O.V

     After deciding that what is going on with Sara was our fault we made it our top priority to fix it. Me and Ray decide its best if just us two go, because the more legends on a mission the worse it will go wrong. 

     Gideon says that the change happened in Nanda Parbat, Sara was apparently killed by Rah's Al Ghul. We go back in time and enter the Temple. Almost immediately getting Attacked by Assassins.

"We come in Peace, we just need to give Rah's Al Ghul some information. Tell him it is the Time Travelers from the 60's." Ray says, I question why he has been here before, but quickly shrug it off as I remember him telling me how he was engaged to Kendra/Hawk-girl. Sara must've wen't back to the League when she was left in the 60's.

     We go to talk to Rah's Al Ghul, he agrees after we mention that his daughter will likely die without Sara. (Not sure if Nyssa would die, but maybe, and Also I feel like Nate would lie to save her.)

     He soon kicks us out, agreeing to let Sara live, and continue on her destiny. We don't mention how he would also be alive, but that would ruin the plan.

(On the Waverider, like 20 min later, cause time takes time to set in.)

Sara P.O.V

     I feel the arrows pierce through my skin. I can't tell what is going on around me, only that I feel arms wrapped around me. I see the rooftop start to get further and further away from me. Then the fatal hit to my head. They say after you die you can hear for a little while, I hear Laurel crying, Screaming my name, telling me to wake up. Then it goes black, and deadly silent. 

      Next thing I know I feel more arms around me, I look around, helpless and in the Lazarus pit. Oliver? There is a man in a trench coat next to him, John. How do I know his name, suddenly Memories of the man in the trench-coat flood back to me. None of it makes sense though, I'm dead, Right?

     They pull me out of the pit. It all goes black, for what feels like an eternity. I wake up feeling heavy, I feel Alive. How is this possible, Laurel wouldn't bring me back would she? I hug my family accepting the truth. 

     Time passes, I remember the blood-lust as Thea calls it. I couldn't stop killing, I, I didn't know what to think. The reason I left the league was to get away from the killing, and here it was again. Maybe it would've been better if I would've stayed dead.

      The memories are still flooding back, Joining the Legends, Figuring out how to control the Blood-Lust. Never fully did it go away, just became more controlled. Rip, the Legends, Travelling through time. Death, so many friends dying, so much family. Laurel's death hit me the hardest, then my fathers. Why was there so much loss in my life, why couldn't I prevent it.

     The past few years with Ava, I remember, the time with the Legends, My, Family. I blink my eyes, realizing where I am. When I open them I am faced with Amaya, and see Ava's arms wrapped around me. Their restraining me, Why?

Ava P.O.V

     I can tell Sara is in pain, her whole past was made up of that. She eventually can't scream anymore, and starts to relax her body, until suddenly she lets out a scream. Not a scream of physical pain, but emotional, like a loss, it hits me, quite literally. Sara starts to fight our hold, Her sister, she is remembering her sisters death. 

     After about five-minutes she relaxes again, unable to hold herself up, and tears spilling down her face. Eventually she snuggles into my grasp, She must have gotten to her time with the legends. They were most likely one of the best things to happen to her. 

     She starts to tense up again, I can tell she is waking up. I tell Amaya to restrain her just in case. But all she does is stare with wide eyes at the wall, most likely contemplating how much we knew after that. 

     She looks at me with big eyes, tears still flooding her eyes. She reaches towards me, pulling me into a hug then weeping into my shoulder. I hear her whispering to herself, I don't deserve it, I deserve nothing, I deserve to die for what I've done. She repeats it, like a mantra

     After about an hour she suddenly stops crying and sits up. Her eyes puffy, and her vocal chords tired. She starts to walk out, but is unable to hold her balance. She tumbles over and falls into the med bay chair, falling asleep immediately.

     I decide I will go get her a blanket, thinking about what she was saying. She couldn't be serious, yeah she had a hard past, but it was all for survival, Right?

     I walk to the Food Fabricator before I go to get Sara a blanket. Zari stops me, with the rest of the team, even Micky behind her. (Ava gets to call him Micky, so deal with it, haha) 

"How is she?" Ray asks, referring to Sara.

"Alive." I mumble, sounding weaker than I intended.

"Ava." Amaya grabs my attention. She knows what happened, and I can tell they know I was crying. 

"What do you want from me, She said she deserves to die!" I say, blurting out the last part almost making it unable to be understood, Almost.

"What!" The legends, Including Mick said.

"you heard me" I almost inaudible speak

"Oh, what do we do, where is she?" Zari says sympathetically.

"Medbay, Asleep, and I... I don't know." I stuttered, it all hitting me at once.

Sara P.O.V

     After I make sure Ava has left, I get up, grabbing some money from the ship. I head into the cold breeze outside. I can't lose control, what if I hurt them, what if I kill them. I can't make them worry, especially now that Ava knows how bad my past was.

Hehe, I'm sorry, not really, I promise this is going somewhere, and The legends will find Sara. I must add the feels, cause this story doesn't feel like it has enough emotion. I will post the next part soon, whenever I get it done. Sorry, not sorry. Also go check out my other story that I will get to writting when I finish this one.          
Your Author (better still be, I mean if you made it this far),

           Your Author (better still be, I mean if you made it this far),Cheerio

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