I'll always come for you

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Ava pov

We were going to get Sara back. We were in the timechairs. We sat down and took of for Lian Yu 2005. It took only a few moments to get to the island.

I wondered to myself why would they bring her to such a random place. We walked out of the ship doors, only to hear a bone-chilling Scream. It sounded like her, like Sara.

I started to run towards the sound asking Gideon what was going on. "Ms. Sharpe, that is Captain Sara Lance from 2005. She is currently being tortured in that tent over there by soldiers." Gideon says this in her accent and I relise the entire team had heard what she had said.

"Wait, Sara's been tortured before!?! Why wouldn't she tell me, I thought she got all her scars from the league?!?" I said this angerly.

"Yes Ms. Sharpe, only Rip Hunter and Oliver Queen know her past. And I sudgest you keep her thinking that's all." Gideon replys

"I think Gideon's right, we should let Sara tell us in her own time." Ray recomends, when suddenly Charlie trips over something and a sharp stick goes flying towards her head. Zari quickly pushes her down to the ground.

"Well, let's not go here for vacation." Nate quips, worried about the two girls. "Are you guys alright?"

"Yeah, thanks to Zari." Charlie replys with a heavy sigh.

"No promblem C." Zari replys giving Charlie a new nick name.

"Just be careful, we don't wanna die here. Also we better hurry the sun is about to set and Sara doesn't have long." I say concerned. The rest of the team agrees and we continue to walk for a few more hours, still trying to find where the scream came from. "We should rest here, we can barely stay here during the day let alone the night."

"Good idea, love." Constantine adds. We set up our tents and fall asleep for atleast an hour or two. I awoke with a sudden branch snapping. I look up and there are three soldiers point guns at us. If I say anything I will get shot and won't be able to save Sara.

So I wait for one of the other legends to wake up. Nate wakes up and I scream at him to steel up. He does ad he's told and takes down the gunman, waking the rest of the legends. "We should leave now, they heard the shots and are probably on their way." We all get up grab our stuff, mostly weapons and continue with our race to save Sara.

We continue walking until we are tired out. We stop for a water break and Nate and I walk over to the shoreline, we stare at the ocean. I need to find her no matter what. After a few moments of standing there we start to head back to the team, when I take a step I hear a hollow door beneith my feet. It was a door to a bunker!!!

"Guys I think I found something!" I say in one breath practically screaming for them to come over to me. They all come running over. All saying veriatiins of 'what'. "I think we found her!"

Nate, turning to steel, grabs the bunker door and opens it. We get into the door, and crawl down the ladder one by one. Me being first, cause I pushed my way to down the ladder. We stand there waiting for a sign when I hear a Scream, "KILL ME!!!". It was Sara, was it so bad she wanted to die?

Ray uses his suit to create a photon blast that pushes the door forward, flying towards Damien Darhk. But he misses and it just hits the floor, screaming as it comes to a hault. I can barely see Sara through all the blood and cuts on her.

Before I can run and free her, Damien stabs her in the back with a dagger. I can see her mouth shape out a 'thank you'. Why the hell would she thank him for trying to kill her?!?

The rest of the legends go to deal with Darhk, I run towards Sara, quickly undoing the chains from arouns her unconscious wrists. She falls onto me she is barely breathing. I needed to get her to the ship right now.

"We've got to go now!!!" I practically scream at the legends, Sara in my arms bridal style. "Quickly, she isn't going to last much longer!" Ray flys to me in his suit.

"I can get there faster!" He grabs Sara out of my arms. I follow, and the rest of the legends also retreat.


We get back to the ship in about an hour, we were running, sprinting as fast as we could. Ray meets us at the entrance,"Is she ok, Ray give me some good news, please!" I say desprerly.

"Gideon stableized her, but Ava. It's bad.." Ray says, quickly giving me a hug after.

"The Captains injuries include 27 broken bones, 70 laserations, 15 stabs, and many more injuries, some I am yet to define." Gideon says insensitively.

"Thanks you very much Gideon" I say aggrevated that she told me the details.

"Can I see her." I said, desperate to see if she's ok.

"You can, but Ava I'm warning you she doesn't even look like herself. She should wake up in a few hours. She won't be the same Sara as before." I hadn't even thought about this before. Sara already had some PTSD, she tried to hide it, but every crash, or loud sound she would jump and reach for something that she could use for a weapon. Now though she might be more fearful.

I walk into the medbay where Sara layed, she looked lifeless, she was covered in dry blood, none of us wanted to clean it. Fearful that she would wake up, and punch us or that she would freak out. I grabbed her hand while she layed in the chair after a few minutes I was asleep beside her.


Thanks for reading. I'm going to have Sara wake up next chapter. I am proud that I have continued this story, I don't know how many chapters it will have, but there is at least going to be 4 more. I will try to add more Zarlie, and it will just be Fluff, cause I don't know how to wright smut, and I don't really want to. Thanks again,
Your author,

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