"She's cool." Mirio said. Tamaki looked at you with curious eyes. When you looked at him... he couldn't read you. Normally that'd make him nervous, but he was intrigued.

You went back into the faculty room and put down the paper from your clipboard. "No severe injuries other than the guy that broke his rib. But it was from his own quirk." Cementoss nodded. "That's better than last year."

You bowed and left the room.


It was the first day of school and you were making your way back to your bedroom.

With your nose stuck in a book, you didn't notice the girl walking down the hallway, and it seems like she didn't either. "Ow!" She yelped as you bumped into each other.

She looked at you, who didn't seem to be fazed. "Oh! You're the girl handing out water!" You nodded. "You were in the hero course entrance exams. Why are you here?" She chuckled nervously and scratched the back of her head.

"I'm lost."

You looked down at your clipboard.

"What's your name?"

"Nejire Hado."

"Class 1A. Turn left, and there's a large door with the 1A printed on it."

"Thanks!" She ran off as you watched her periwinkle hair sway back and forth from every step. "Oh... Mirio and Tamaki are in that class." You turned around and went to your room. You put your book on the bookcase in the corner of your room and sat on your bed.

About half an hour later, you got called down to Class 1A for a demonstration. When you got there, you saw Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire. Mirio and Nejire waved while Tamaki just gave your a look that said, "Hi."

"This is Y/N L/N." Aizawa said. "She'll be demonstrating everything you need to do." You walked up to the starting line of the first test. "And.. go." If you blinked you would've missed it, as you sped to the other side.

"0.57 seconds." You stepped away and used your air to cover your footprints. "Don't trip." Some of the class laughed and you looked to Aizawa in confusion. "Alright, alright. That's enough. Togata and Yasuhiro."

They both walked up to the starting line. "Use your quirk to your advantage." They both nodded and... You made a large bubble and let it drop into your eyes. "W-why are you getting naked?!" Yasuhiro yelled.

"Well, I'll get naked when I use my quirk anyways." Mirio said. Aizawa walked over to you and covered your eyes. "Alright... go." Mirio suddenly sank into the ground and popped up on the other side before Yasuhiro could get there.

"1.02 seconds. Yasuhiro, 2.38." He dropped his hand once Mirio put his clothes back on. You looked down at your clipboard and wrote down the times. "Hado and Fukuradate." They both walked up to the starting line and Nejire grinned.

Once Aizawa said "go," the two of them sped down the track and got to the finish line at the same time. "1.59." Aizawa said. "Next is Amajiki and Hinata." Tamaki flinched but then walked up to the starting line.

"Go." Tamaki suddenly grew tentacles from his fingertips and they grabbed onto the ground on the other side, and then pulled him towards it. "1.24 seconds." You wrote it down and waited for Hinata's time. "2.01 seconds." You wrote it down as well.

He went through through the whole class and let you leave. "They're interesting." You muttered, thinking about Nejire, Mirio, and Tamaki. You twirled your pen in your hand, not paying attention once again.

You bumped into someone and looked up. "Oh, All Might." He was currently in his skinny form. "Aren't you worried someone will see you?" He nodded. "Yeah, that's why I need to get going." You bowed and walked off.

You knocked on Class 1A's door and opened it. "Aizawa-sensei." He looked at the door and saw you with a box of textbooks. He pointed to the corner of the room and you walked over. On your way, someone's foot was in your way and you tripped.

Before you hit the ground, a gust of wind pushed you back up and you continued walking like nothing happened. "I forgot to mention," Aizawa began. "A good hero is always ready for anything."

You looked at the foot that made you trip and tapped the person on the shoulder. "Your foot." He looked at you and moved his foot a bit. "Sorry." WIth no reply, you turned and walked out of the class.

"What's her deal?" The boy questioned. Mirio sighed. "Just leave her be." Aizawa continued teaching.

You threw up your pen and controlled the air around it to make it do different twists and turns.

"What's her deal?"

You stopped and caught the pen. Pinching your cheek, you tried to pull it to a smile, but you already knew you just looked stupid. You let go and looked at the pen in your hand. Tighter and tighter you gripped it until it broke, making ink stain your palm.

You balled your hand into a fist and opened it again, with the ink now in a ball and hardened. It turned to stone, then dust, and floated away. "What's my deal...?" Someone bumped into your back and you turned around.

"Oh hey! Fancy seeing you here!" Mirio waved. You stared at him for a moment. "Hi." You walked away, expecting to hear something like,

"So cold."

"What's wrong with her?"

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

But instead, "Alright! See ya around!" Your eyes widened slightly, one of the first emotions that you let slip. But only slightly. You then went back to your neutral expression and turned to him to wave.

You watched as the strange boy walked down the hall towards the washroom. Him... Nejire... Tamaki... none of them immediately assumed you were cold from your facial expression. You looked at the ground and then walked away.

"They're strange."

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