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The Henderson Report - Issue #3By • Issue #3 • A newsletter of general interest to businesses.

Where are the Workers?
As more and more states lift revenue crushing restrictions, businesses are needing more employees, this is especially noticeable in the fast food industry.  But individuals aren't applying. I know of one McDonald's restaurant locally that can not open it's general dining area because they can't get enough individuals to keep the dining room open, and barely have enough to keep the drive-through working.

"Help Wanted" signs are all over the place, but businesses aren't getting the people they need. 


Unfortunately, the problem is the Government. Unemployment compensation has been increased and expanded to the point that many individuals make more money on unemployment than they could by working.

I don't blame the individual, why work when you can essentially be on vacation all year with the government basically paying you to Not work.  There is no question that some individuals can't work because of age, illness, physical limitations, or similar conditions. It makes no sense to me to give unlimited unemployment benefits to healthy, able-bodied individuals. There is a lot of job openings out there just waiting for someone to apply.

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