Do You Make Money?

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Ask just about anyone why a business exists and you'll get: "To make money".

Wrong. In the United States, and I assume, any country only the Government can "make money" legally. Any individual out there making money is called a counterfeiter and the Treasury Department is looking for them.

Business exists to offer a product or service for a fee. The goal is to make more in fees (revenue) than they have in bills (expenses).

That may be what a person means when they say "make money", but there is a subtle psychological difference.

If you have a business and are just out to "make money" then you aren't really doing yourself or your customers much good. With this attitude you have the subconscious thought that all that is important is the dollar.

Yet, if your thinking is that your are in business to offer a product for a price then the mentality shifts ever so slightly and the emphasis is on the product, not on the dollar.

Obviously you need to make a profit to continue in business but notice how there is a completely different mind set when you say "I'm in business to offer a product for sale", as opposed to "I'm in business to make a buck."

You may think I'm beating a dead horse, but look at salespeople. The vast majority are more concerned with making a commission than they are with providing the right product or service to the customer. It comes across in every way they deal with the sale, and it turns most potential buyers off.

Then there are the few salespeople who genuinely seem to want to provide you with the absolutely right product.

They are comfortable and relaxed, you feel that they are sincere in their efforts towards you. They are focused on you and your needs, not theirs.

So when you deal with customers and prospects which mind set do you have? Are you there to make a dollar, or are you there to help the customer?

Be honest with yourself, because it will show through to the customer. You can't hide it, and you can't run from it because you're only running from yourself.

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