Chapter 6

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Mushk had tiptoed towards her room and sat at the corner of her bed still in shock

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Mushk had tiptoed towards her room and sat at the corner of her bed still in shock. She could not ask them directly or her mother would have her head and she can't afford that.

It was too much to process as well, this is was all she had wished for. His proposal, marriage was her long-forgotten dreams. But she was not lying when she told her mother she was going to marry very carefully. She had too many fairytales, expectations, and dreams about marriage and for that one special person. She was never in billion years going to trample that to be with someone she loved, who she knew would never love her at least not in the same way as he did for Fariya.

She had always believed that love should never be the basis of marriage. Respect, understanding, and loyalty are things that the foundation of marriage should be based on. She also learned we should never marry a person we love rather a person who loves us. She had spent decades being in love and having her heart broken in it but now she wanted someone to love her crazily as she did.

Someone who could fight the world for her, someone who could support her. Someone with whom she can travel to Turkey, Paris, Maldives, and many other places. Someone with whom she can do paragliding, underwater sea diving, and sit on a parachute. Someone who could cook her biryani. Someone who could drop her at her hospital in the middle of the night. Someone who could know all her secrets and flaws. She wanted that particular someone and it doesn't have to be Rohan she had accepted that.

Dunya main Sirf 2 percent logon ko muhabbat milti hai baqi ki 98 percent survives on other aspects.

(only 2 percent of people get their love other 98 percent to survive on other aspects)

Sometimes we have to pay a lot for our desires, dreams, and wishes and she had paid so much, so much for that one forbidden wish. She had kept her heart under his feet and he unintentionally had crushed it, maybe she had been foolish enough to let it get crushed, to let it break into millions of bits.

She sat there wondering what if we are aware of what is going to happen next. What if she had possessed a time machine and had traveled in the future and saw all that her love led her to. She would have never even dared to fall in love, not with him at least.

Alas! Wishful thinking.

However this time she was not going to bow in front of her heart desires. She did once and it ended in a total disaster. This time she can't afford any disaster or she is sure it would shackle her existence and she would break down badly and there would be no chance of revival.

Rohan was probably getting forced by aunty and he had no idea what was happening here but she was not going to be a part of a forced marriage knowingly she was better off that.

Just then her phone pinged, message?
She took her phone wondering.

"At 5 at our place"

The way we once were(Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin