Possibly A Brighter Outlook

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Rocky sat under the umbrella watching the girls and Zuma play in the water. Needless to say, watching others have fun doesn't keep your interest for long. Rocky began looking around realizing that the beach was clearing as the day was soon turning to late afternoon. Rocky looked around in disgust as he noticed all the trash left by beach goers.

"When will people learn to pick up after themselves?" said Rocky as he stood up and began picking up trash.

He had cleared a large section when he felt something weird as if he was being watched. He slowly turned around but there was no one there. He continued to scan the beach but all he saw was a couple of people sitting on the beach, a man and a large pup were much further down the beach walking along the shore, and of course Zuma and his pack of females, still yelling and splashing. Rocky shrugged and turned back to his cleaning. Once he had cleared the trash and separated all the plastic into recycling bins he looked around and saw that most of the volleyball team had picked up and left. Zuma and Sunny were sitting on their beach towels talking. Rocky walked over to where the two were sitting.

"Hey Rocky" said Sunny "You did great work. The beach looks amazing. It's nice to see someone put such pleasure in cleaning a beautiful place like the beach."

"T-thanks" stammered Rocky "I just can't stand to leave trash behind. I know it's silly of me to take it so personally but if more people would pick up their trash and maybe one extra piece, there wouldn't be so much litter."

"See that's the passion for a job I was telling you and Roxie about" said Sunny.

"That's Rocky" said Zuma "If he sets his mind to a task, you can't sway him. Rocky, are you hungry? We fixed sandwiches and I saved you a couple."

Rocky's stomach rumbled, "Wow, now that I think about it. I haven't eaten since this morning. I got so busy I just didn't think about it. Thanks for thinking of me, Zuma. But y'all didn't have to wait on me."

"Rocky," said Zuma "I invited you. I'm not going to just leave you and it's not like I didn't have pleasant company while I waited."

"Roxie said she was sorry but she had a paper she needed to get back to the motel to work on" said Sunny "She's a really neat person, but I don't think she'll ever slow down enough to have a real relationship." Sunny stopped and bit her lip, "I'm sorry. I really shouldn't judge her or gossip about her."

"It's ok," said Rocky "She said she hopes to make the Olympic Volleyball team."

"Oh she'll make it" replied Sunny "What she didn't say was that she's busting her butt to get named team captain. We'll see her face on the cover of Sportpups Illustrated someday."

"Wow," said Rocky "She didn't say that. That's awesome."

Rocky finished the sandwiches that Zuma had saved him. He looked around then turned back to Zuma and Sunny, "I'll see you back at home. I think I'm going to walk the beach and take the long way back to the Lookout."

"You want us to come with you?" asked Zuma.

"No, y'all have fun" said Rocky "Bye Sunny, it was nice spending the day with you and your team. Thanks for inviting me, Zuma. I admit I had fun."

"If you're sure," said Zuma, gathering everything.

"I'm sure," said Rocky turning toward the edge of the shore.

As Rocky walked away Sunny turned to Zuma, "Did something happen?"

"No, he's just lonely and needs to find the right pup," said Zuma. "I try to help," continued Zuma "But he's on a different intellectual level than I'll ever be. I wouldn't know where to look for the right pup for him. Who knows maybe fate will drop the right pup"

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