Growing Closer with a Slight Speedbump

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The morning sun as it first peeked over the bay began to shine in Rocky's face. He blinked and looked around.

"I don't remember coming to bed" said Rocky as he looked around, noticing Zuma laying nearby.

"You didn't" yawned Zuma, "You kind of froze after Yeshe left and wouldn't talk to us. Finally Chase and I carried you to bed."

"W-what?" said Rocky trying to remember.

"Dude," laughed Zuma "don't sweat it. You are experiencing what every guy eventually does. It feels incredible doesn't it?"

"A-am I just making a fool of myself?" asked Rocky "I have no idea what to do or say, I feel so silly, I can't talk, I can't think, I don't want to say the wrong thing, I"

"Whoa, Dude!" said Zuma, grabbing Rocky by the shoulders, "Breathe, relax, slow down, take a step back. You don't have to do anything other than be yourself. She obviously feels the same way, you can tell by the way she watches you."

"Really," said Rocky "y -you really think she likes me, like, likes me likes me?"

"Seriously dude?" laughed Zuma "The two of you are, and I'll kill you if you tell anyone I said this, adorable. I really hope that Sunny feels about me the way Yeshe seems to feel about you."

"I just don't want to mess everything up" said Rocky, he then huffed and dropped to his bedding.

"What!" said Zuma, startled by Rocky's sudden change "What's wrong, Rocky?"

"What if all of this is just getting my hopes up" said Rocky "What if we hit it off only to find out that Toby has decided to return to Tibet and I never see her again." Rocky began to whimper.

"Bro, seriously" said Zuma softly "Don't invite trouble that hasn't come. If in fact this is something more, then, come on. Can you honestly say that there is anything to stop you from following her?"

"I-i couldn't leave you guys" whimpered Rocky "Ryder saved me from the streets. He provides for me, I owe him everything."

"Ok first off" said Zuma "What you owe Ryder and us as well, is that you live a happy life. No one would fault you for following her if that is what you feel is right. Second, Did you really think we would all grow old and die exactly the same as we were when we started?"

"I don't know,'' said Rocky, "I never really thought about it. I have no idea what I'm doing, I have no idea if I'm just leading myself to heartache or not. It's not like I have any experience with , um, uh liking somepup."

"Love Rocky," laughed Zuma "It's ok to say it. This is what falling in Love feels like. I swear, a girl comes along and us guys lose our minds. But Dude, I can't tell you if it's your true love. I can't tell you if she is right for you or you for her. That's between the two of you. Making it work, if it is supposed to, is up to you as well. You have to search your feelings and decide what steps to take. Just know that I'm here for you Bro. I'll help you run off with her or whatever you need."

"I seriously doubt she's feeling this way" said Rocky "I'm probably kidding myself. I have no experience with girls. If she was a computer I'd know what buttons to push. But she's not, I don't know what to do or say."

"Hehe, if you want to know what buttons to push. I can tell you where those are..." laughed Zuma "But I told you before. Don't try to make things happen, let them happen naturally. In its own time. Be Rocky, don't try to be somepup else. You're you, just be you. I honestly think she sees you for yourself and wants to be with the natural Rocky, the brain and conservation Rocky."

"You can't be serious," said Rocky "What would anyone want with a silly mixed breed recycling pup? What could I possibly give Yeshe? She's of a noble bloodline, I'm of a lord only knows what bloodline. She's beautiful, I'm uh, a gray mutt"

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