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Beep beep be- Groaning you hit your alarm turning it off. You throw the covers over your head protecting you from the sunlight from creeping onto your face. It's 7:30 am and you had volleyball practice. With a sigh you sit up, remembering what happened at Nekomas game yesterday you felt sad and embarrassed.
That was your first relationship and first ever heart break.

Getting up from bed you looks in the mirror. "I look like a train reck." You grumbled. Walking to your bathroom You had no energy so you put your curls into a ponytail with strands of it all over the place. Brushed your teeth and went to put on your school uniform. Today was going to be an interesting day for you.

Walking into the gym you slumped your bag onto the ground. Your teammates look at you noticeably worried. You went to the girls changing room and changed into your volleyball uniform. Going back to the gym the team captain, Layla stopped you. "Hey Y/N, you feeling alright? You look tired." She put a hand onto your shoulder with a worried and sympathetic look on her face.

You gave her a small weak smile and nodded, "Yea, I've just been studying all night again..woops." She stared at you for a few seconds not convinced but let it go, with a sigh she looked at you, "Okay fine, get some rest next time we have a game next week." She said. With that response you nodded and walked over to the coach, who was also noticeably worried about you but said nothing.

After practice everyone started heading out, grabbing your bag your coach stopped you. "Y/N, Can I talk to you for a second." With a low sigh you turn around and walk over to where your coach was sitting taking the seat next to her, "Yea? What is is coach?" She looked at you and studied your face. "I've noticed you were off your A-game today, is everything alright?" She asked, Furring her eyebrows.

You gave her a half hearted smile and nodded, "Everything's okay coach, I studied for to long last night." You rubbed the back of your neck lying. She sighed and removed her hand from your shoulder, "get more sleep, I don't want you being tired throughout school day again!" She smacked the top of your head gently, you rubbed your head and nodded grabbing your bag. "Will do coach." You ran out the gym walking to your first period class which was science.

The bell rang, it was lunch time. You and the team usually ate lunch together in the cafeteria, but this time you ate lunch alone. Under a cherry blossom tree, this was your quiet space. A space where all your worries would get washed away. "Okay Y/N, fess up." You jumped hearing rins voice from behind you, "What do you mean fess up?" Taking a seat next to you she sighed.

"Tell me the truth, You werent studying all night. It's something else." You let out a small laugh, a laugh you use when your about to lie to someone. Only rin knew it well enough to tell you were hiding something, "I promise I was just studying." She squinted her eyes are you. You had eyes bags, they were dark and you face seemed well blank, less emotions than normal.

"Your lying to me, tell me what happened yesterday." You sighed. You would never hide anything from your best friend, looking down you played with the bottom of your skirt. "I caught kenma with another girl.." you whispered, it was almost inaudible for her to hear. "I'm sorry, Repeat that one more time." You took a deep breath and repeated those same words.

Before you knew it she pulled you into a tight hug, a hug that you oh so dearly needed. You held her Burying your face into her shoulder letting out all the tears that you had left remaining. "I know it hurts.. You'll find someone better than him okay?" She soothed your back by rubbing it. You simply nodded and let go, wiping your face you cleared your throat.

"Do you feel better now?" She keep rubbing your back, you gulped and nodded trying not to break down again. She nodded and wiped your face with a wet wipe she kept with her.
"Cmon, me and you can get ice cream after school okay?" She smiled sadly at you. With a nod you both got up and she pulled you into another hug. Pulling apart she smiled at you and grabbed your things taking to you your next class.

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