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You were late, you had overslept on accident and hoped you didn't miss morning practice. Slipping your shoes on you screamed bye to your parents and siblings. You hopped on your bike and peddled as fast as you could to school. Getting at the entrance you tied your bike to a poll running. "Excuse me!" You bumped through the crowd of people making your way to the gym.

Swinging the door open the coach looked you, sweating and tired you dropped your bag to the side and stood up straight. "Sorry I'm late! Is practice still going?" Snickering the coach let out a heartily laugh and shook her head, "We just ended practice for today." You groaned and picked your back up slumping back over your shoulder. The team laughed knowing you hated missing practice.

Walking to class rin ran to your side and linked arms with you. "So you excited to see your boyfriend play today?" The smaller female said. You nodded and smiled at her walking into the classroom taking your seat, rin taking the seat next to you. "Of course I am, I haven't seen him for a week now and I want to surprise him." You squealed lowly excited. You had always wanted go to one of kenma's games but was always so busy. This would be the first time and you were so excited to see him play in person. The teacher walked in and you took your notebook out taking notes.

The bell rang, school has just ended. You packed your things and made sure everything was in order for you to leave. Rin by your side you closed your bag and slung it over your shoulder, "You ready?" She said. You nodded and headed out with her following behind you. She also wanted to met your boyfriend so of course you couldn't say no to her, she would come either way.

Walking into your house, with rin of course you took your shoes off and walked upstairs. Your parents weren't home, neither were your siblings. The house would always be empty when you came home from school, you called your mom and told her you wouldn't be able to pick up your sibling from school. Asking why you told her you were going to see your boyfriends game and she gave you permission.

"So what are you gonna wear?" Rin said ramping through your closet. Being the person you are you took out some casual clothes, black ripped jeans with a white shirt and a jean jacket along with it. "I mean that could work too." Rin said, you simply laughed and grabbed a bag from your closet.

"What's inside the bag?" She questioned tilting her head curiously. "It's the new latest game that just came out." You smiled and handed the bag to rin. "He's been talking about it for months on how he wanted it but couldn't afford it so I saved up my money and bought it for him." Rin looked at you in awe, you were a sweet person and loved doing things for others.

"You must really love him huh?" You blushed and looked away embarrassed. She laughed and stood up handing you the bag. "I'll let you go to the game by yourself, Dont wanna take away that special moment you Two will have." Patting your back she has walked downstairs and left. You sighed and smiled, making your way downstairs you texted kenma telling him to have a good match.

Pushing your way through the crowd to get a good seat for the game you eventually found it. Nekoma was playing against karasuno and it wasn't looking to good. Leaning over the railing you scanned around for the pudding head, spotting him a smile came across your face. You were so excited to see him play for the first time. "GO GO KENMA!" A random girl behind you shouted, you didn't really care much because you weren't the type to get jealous over something like that.

At the end of the match karasuno had one the game. Both team shook hands and went along to their coach's. You frowned and looked at kenma face, he looked hurt in a way. Making your way down the stadium and to the court you walked towards him. He needed something to cheer him up from losing. Running down the stairs your made it to the court, just as you were walking towards kenma someone shoved you out the way. It was that girl from before, she has ran accidental shoving you out her way and hugged kenma.

You stood their confused. Kenma had hugged her back then kissed her on the lips gently. Your bag dropped, standing their watching your boyfriend kiss another girl in front of you. He pulled away and had finally glanced at you, eyes widening he gently moves the girl out the way walking towards you. "Y/N? What are you doing here your usually busy?" Kenma said as if the kiss didn't just happen right before you.

You, at a loss for words stood their in shock. Taking your time to process what just happened, "I-I wanted to surprise you by coming to your game for the first time. Looks like you already have someone else cheering for you." You felt tears in your eyes, holding them back you picked up the present you got him and shoved it into his hands. He opened it and his eyes widened surprised.

"You got this for me?" He questioned not even caring to say thank you. "Yea it cost me all of my allowance." He was in shock, trying to hug you, you pushed him away and shook your head. At this moment you were already in tears, "I see why you don't want to come
To your games anymore." You said while trying not to embarrass yourself even more.
"Y/N-" you cut him off by running out of the gym. You didn't want to embarrass yourself future in front him, his team or the crowd.

You ran inside your house slamming the door, ignoring your mothers questions. You went to your room and locked the door, falling ontop of your bed you cried and cried. The whole night you sobbed silently into your pillow until you couldn't cry no more and it turned off. Feeling numb you and closing your eyes you cried yourself to sleep. For the first time, you went through your first even heart break.

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