If you were crying

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Roger Bartlett

He'd try to stay as strong as possible to make you feel protected and safe. He does feel the urge to cry with you but he wants to seem strong.

He'll just pull you against him and rock you back and forth in his arms, shushing you

Virgil Hilts

He'd be absolutely furious at who had made you cry. He would probably just try to distract you by making you laugh.

Eric Ashley-Pitt

He'd be super worried because he knows how strong you try to be. He'll try everything to help you. He'll make you tea, cuddle you, bring you flowers and even cry with you. He'll wrap his hand around yours and let you cry into his chest while he does the same. He doesn't care. He just wants you to be happy again so he will stop at nothing to do so.

Robert Hendley

He is a great hugger so he'll just let you get it all out of your system.  you can cry on him, rant or just scream out all the problems and he would understand because you'd do it for him.


He will tackle you onto the bed and cradle you in his arms. Nothing will stop him from trying to make you feel better.


He isn't the best at comforting people but he knows you like his singing, so he'll sing your favourite song for you


He'll sit down with you and bring Valerie in for you to cuddle with while he reads to you, holding you against his chest.

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