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Roger Bartlett

It was some younger girl who was counselling the club your daughter goes to.

She cornered him when Virginia went to get her stuff.

"So, your wife... Is she like... Around?" She asked. If he wasn't stuck between her and the wall, he would have done like ten steps back when her hand reached out to touch his arm. He cleared his throat and gently tore her hand away from his shirt.

"Yes. Very much so, in fact. I love her very much and would appreciate it if you would step away from me. Perhaps you would have better luck with men that are not married," he grabbed Virginia and ran so fast out of there.

Virgil Hilts

She used to be a friend of yours- stopped when he told you what she was doing.

She waited until you were out of the room, with the girls, and tried to kiss him. It was like he dodged her.

He wasn't even kind about it either, just pushing her off the seat before standing up. "You know you're a pretty shitty friend"

"I-I'm sorry, but I just really like you and think you can do better"

"Well too bad. I love her, we have kids, which I love. Even If I could do better, I wouldn't be with you. I think you better leave because I'm about to tell my wife."

Eric Ashley-Pitt

She was a little bit younger and in all fairness, she didn't know he was taken at the time and was pretty gracious about the whole thing.

She had made a couple of flirty comments about him to her friends and even to him but he didn't want to seem rude or hurt her feeling. So he did the next best thing. He would purposefully ignore them, acting as if he hadn't heard them.

Until she tried to kiss him.  He just managed to push her away before anything happened, explaining that he didn't like her that way, 

"I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in anyone. I'm sure you're a very nice girl but I just don't like anyone else"

He ran home.

"(y/n), there's a girl in the market that keeps flirting with me but I don't want to hurt her feelings. Today she tried to kiss me. Can you come with me next time?"

The next time, you had talked to her and told her that you were his wife. She apologised profusely and never made another move since. In fact, two years later, she invited you both to her engagement party.

Robert Hendley

It was actually one of his friends' wives. She was constantly trying to touch him when either of you were out of the room and it would make him super uncomfortable. He didn't exactly want to bring it up to his friend in case it caused a big argument between him and his wife but he did tell you about it.

When you found out, you heavily suggested he tell his friend, feeling bad for the husband.

She wasn't even invited over but you were out with the kids, getting groceries. It ended with her just asking him to sleep with her- which he declines adamantly. 

"I feel extremely sorry for paul for marrying you. I'm happily married with kids and there's no way i'd choose you over her any time soon. I hope you know I'm definitely going to tell your husband bout this now. "


She just wouldn't give up. He would reject her multiple time and she still wouldn't stop. It got to the point that she would turn up at work, pretending she was his wife just to get him alone. On multiple occasions, she had told him, "I couldn't care less that you're married"

He told you about it. At first, when he had first rejected her, he thought he could deal with it.

"(y/n), there's a woman who won't leave me alone and I can't hit her. Help me, please... I love you"

You just ended up coming to work with him, telling his coworkers that you were infact his wife. she was banned and you got to see her trip over her 5 inch heels


Danny has no trouble telling them exactly what's up. He doesn't really find any woman other than you attractive but he doesn't act horrible when they hit on him, unless he absolutely needs to.

He didn't notice right away, but a younger girl, maybe a couple years younger than you was developing a crush on him. They hadn't talked much but she would try to stand as close to him as possible. That included trying to push her self in front of you or even the kids. 

You noticed before him, but trusted him. it did piss you off though, that she would try to wedge herself in between him and the kids for attention.

He finally did something about it when she had tried to get him to drink wine with her.

"Erm, I know you're probably just trying to be nice but I really don't think my wife or my kids would appreciate this sort of thing. Im in love with my wife and id like you to respect that. I'm sure you'll find someone"


He's never had that trouble, mostly because if they did like him, they already knew they had no chance with how much he talks about you and Valerie. One new girl did mention she thought he was cute but she never went further because she ended up listening to him talk about you. 

He doesn't realise he does it often but usually its prompted by certain things that make him think of you. She ended up thinking he was just an awsome husband who loved his wife and child.

He really is though. Any girl that has a liking towards him, usually ends up liking him in a more platonic way afterwards.

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