The Boy With Hazel Eyes

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So let's start the story-

THINGS U SHOULD KNOW: so Sugawara never went to karasuno and never went to school. He has been homeless ever since he ran away because of abuse. Daichi is a police officer and is 24 years old(idk if that is possible to be a police officer at that age but who cares).




It was a cold day when Daichi was walking home from work. Recently work has been getting to be more in his schedule and he had no time for himself. He could feel the wind slowly devouring him as he stepped into the warmth of his home. He quickly closed the door and went towards his kitchen. He opened the door to his fridge to find it mostly empty. He opened his one last cup of instant ramen and put it in the microwave. After it was done he went into his living room to find his coffee table the same as his kitchen table, completely a mess. He sat down looking over his reports that have been scattered on the glass of the table. He started going over them as the microwave started to beep. He got up and walked over towards the microwave. He took out the ramen and sat back down thinking about the case he had done earlier that day knowing he would have to do a report later. He turned on the tv and tried to get his mind off of work. Mainly because he absolutely hated doing reports even though they had to be done. After about an hour of watching tv, he turned it off and walked over to his other very messy table. He had some unfinished cases, and some that were done, and some he just didn't want to do. Even though these are for the higher-ups to know about the people who they have imprisoned or have died. Daichi felt as though they also help him when doing his work. He can learn from them and make it better the next time. Just as he was about to go start another night filled with reports(which was quite normal) he got a text from another new employee who the higher-ups are making Daichi help. To be fair though, he did not mind helping. After all, that is why he was here.

A couple of years ago his mom and dad were caught in a shooting. Before they died they said to always help those in need. So how could he not help? It was his parent's dying wish. So it had to be done, but that was about 7 years ago. Everything was fine now.

After answering just about one million texts from angela(the new employee) he finally decided to go to bed. Just as he was about to finally get into those warm bed sheets he heard a noise kinda sounded like a raccoon rummaging through his trash. So he went outside with his baseball bat. Which he kept for these special occasions.

Right away he felt terrible for the thing he saw. It was a boy. looked about his age maybe younger and had beautiful hazel brown eyes that glimmer in the moonlight. He felt terrible that this poor boy had to be rummaging through his trash.

Right as Daichi went to go ask the boy some questions, the boy got up shakily and ran away and just when Daichi thought it was going to be a normal day the world comes crashing down to change that one thought of knowing. That night Daichi had one thought on his mind it was not about reports of angela or how his schedule should change. No. for once it was not about himself it was about how that poor boy was doing.

{timeskip brought to you by the crackers I'm eating rn}

It has been a week now since that one encounter with the boy. He felt as though he just had to help and he had no idea why. Today was his day off and he was going to spend it hanging out with some old friends from high school.

He was the first one to arrive, which was normal because he was always arriving early for everything. A couple of minutes later his friend Ashai Azumane showed up. It was still early but that was how it went. They both were people to show up early. The next person to show up on time was their manager from high school Kiyoko Shimizu. She was always on time and always beautiful. The last people to show up were Yu Nishinoya and Ryunosuke Tanaka. They were late like always, But this was how it was. They would meet up every month on the 16th. The reason it was the 16th is that that was the day that they all were was odd but it was always the same and no one questioned it.

The conversation went on because of Nishinoya and Tanaka and at the odd time Kiyoko and Ashai would have a comment Daichi would normally have his input at times but today he was quieter." why are you so silent today?" Asahi said in his questioning but at the same time calming voice. that was a good question because, to be honest, he did not have an answer so that is exactly what he said: "To be honest I really don't know.".

Kiyoko always had an answer to every question, she was smart like that. "Maybe you have something on your mind?" she said in a relaxed tone. There it was, her answer and in a way she was right." yeah, your probably right-" But before he could finish the boy with hazel eyes walked by.

He was covered in blood and glass and bruises. The boy was able to say one word before he fell to the floor." help...".

A/N: hey so I was already crying while making this-

pls, send help reader~san!!!


word count:983

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