Chapter 3: 2 monsters in love.

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Roy and his group were setting up a plan in a village underground to not get found out for when they would and where they would attack Mary. The location of the mansion was surrounded by trees and magical beasts, since Mary loves hunting for wild gains, of course, Mary had the rule to hunt without any tools so she was super accustomed to her areas of expertise. 2 hours have passed since Roys group had to travel 60 miles on foot. Out of the 14 people in his group, 4 of them had become exhausted and could not continue so the share of gold was cut to 10 people. Of course, Roy’s group was a bunch of superhumans some of them could reach 60 miles in 1 hour but some of the people in their group were only level 2-3 warrior body and some were a criminal fallen mage. but Roy is at the level 5 warrior body and has the LVL 4 seas of thoughts so he could have reached a speed of 80 miles under an hour, of course, that would still felt like walking to Roy, so 60 miles felt like a stroll, and that LVL 4 mind control can make a person slow downtime for themselves in critical thinking and can speed up the mind to make it feel like 1 hour is just 1 minute. 30 miles later they had made it to the forest. A straight road went straight to Mary’s mansion, but a thick fog was blocking the straight road, the dead of night did not help with how thick the fog was. The smell of blood in the air came in contact With the mercenary group, but they still marched straight down the road even though the smell was extremely suffocating. Unknown to them when they cap speeding down to the location to ambush. Mary had killed 5 of them, 1 by 1 every millisecond was all it took to kill them with ease of course Roy had noticed what was happening but didn’t say a thing to not alarm his group. After getting to their destination, one of Roy's member noticed now that 5 of their members have been wiped, “captain 5 of o..ur member has disappeared” Roy had heard this so he immediately ordered his 4 remaining members to prepare for a triangle formation, of course, he orders the 2 mages to in the middle of the triangle. The first mage was ordered to cast barriers on all 3 warriors and the second mage was ordered to use wind and light magic. tier 3 wind magic was used to blow away the fog and tier 3 light magic to illuminate the road and forest. There were several splattered guts/bodies and scattered body parts upon trees, blood and guts and body parts were everywhere even on the hard concrete road. They knew at that moment that they are f@#%!!, The smell of blood and gets guts but the worst Part was the mutilation of the body, even with those heavy armors they thought would protect them the marks and tear from them made it look like a monster toured and cut through them with ease. All 2 of the mages had thought up their guts to the horror there seeing. An unexpected killing intent startled one of the mercenaries to death and the 2 mages had a normal human mind so the killing intent from a peak LVL 5 warrior was enough to kill them too but not before they sh#t their pants to death. Roy was sweating bullets, after turning to see who was creating this much killing intent she saw a  small beautiful woman with glowing green amoral pupils and the moonlight had gleaned over her green Luscious hair and her green demersal drained with the blood but there was no drop of blood on her oval cute face. Even though knew he would die if he doesn’t stop looking at her, he was too captivated by her beauty, her emerald eyes have met his own red crimson eyes and at that moment a thought came out to his soul to his mind, ”I’m in love, timberrrrwhat!”. Roy had started feeling puffy after her eyes met his, Mary had turned her eyes toward the last member of the mercenary next to Roy. So when Roy had noticed who Mary was staring at to kill, he gladly pulled out his left-handed axe and in that split second, he swung his axe at the scared mercenary from the right waist up to the left shoulder cleanly off. The upper lifeless part of the now-dead mercenary went flying and falling to the top of the nearby trees and getting stuck on the branches, the lower body of the created a thud sound after it had hit the hard concrete road. Mary was surprised by the sudden movement of Roy so she was more cushioning Roy’s intention, initially, she was saving him for last but that came out of Roy's mouth later startled her. “Mary Avison Uni I have fallen in love with you and wish you to be my wife please!!!”. He confessed loudly while blushing and his right palm post proclaimed their love to her would have to be a strong man that could deal with her superhuman strength. After a few seconds, her serious expression came back, “Yes of course will '' Mary acclaimed loudly while she stuttered her cute voice. A wide smile from ear to ear appeared on Roy's visible Face the 2 red and blue moons had become brighter, so the shine had made him and Mary more visible to each other. The Next word that Came out of Mary's mouth made Roys Happy smile become an unhappy ground. “I Want you to have an epic battle against me of course, we might cut or bruise each other, or one ofus us  might die but there is a 3 days limit, if you last for 3 days straight I’m yours”. Of course, Mary sawRoy’ss wide smile turn to a big frown. “Hahaha” Mary laughed loudly, when Roy had realized she was laughing at him was about to laugh too but a 5,5 feet tall Mary Came lunging at himase an arrow came at his face with lightning speed. When he dodged some of his yellow hair was cut in the process of course that attack had made him be careful of her since that attack was meant to kill him and he knew that instinct that the timer had started. He unbuckles the right-handed axe from his waist and pulled it out just in time to swing both axes in an up and down motion…………… the battle had lasted for 3 days and 3 nights, Mary and Roy had exhausted themselves to the point of collapsing, of course,, they both had one last swing left.  Both Roy and Mary swung with altheirre strength, Mary had cut Roy’s cheek left cheek down to his cheek until the long saber snapped in half. Roy swang his right-handed heavy axe at Marys right torso but discovered in a hard way that her handles weren’t the only thing that was hard but he still swung with all his mas and his axe mass combined, the force of the impact had broken 3 of Mary's ribs and had snapped the hardened wooden handle of Roy's heavy Axe. The impact on Mary had made blood come out of her mouth after the impact of the axe hit her, her body was sent flying 50 meters away from Roy, even though her skin is extremely tough it might even be tougher than diamond, but in this world, some gods and monsters can reach a new height and Essendon to another plain. The fight that Roy and Mary had fought in for Marriage had destroyed 14-15 miles of wood and might have scared all the fue monsters and all the animals away to death. Of course, after the match had ended a bright smile appeared on Roy's tired expression, at that moment he knew he had gotten Marys hand in Marriage, the fight Mary had with Roy had made her fall over heels, but of course, she was too exhausted to get up, too tired to get up, she went to sleep immediately. Roy had fallen asleep knowing he too couldn't stand up

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