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It's been about a month since school started, so that means homecoming week is coming upppp. I'm ready too, because I didn't really participate for my first 2 years here but I am now cause why not.

It's Saturday today so I'm going to the mall with Phoebe because Kay and Jay can't come. I feel like I know why but ima just leave them alone for now. I finished getting ready, putting my hair into a simple puff and grabbed my coat.

 I finished getting ready, putting my hair into a simple puff and grabbed my coat

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As I'm heading out my older brother wanna be all noisy and shit.

Zay- "where you goin'"

Me- "why you wanna know"

Zay- "lil girl don't get smart"

Me- "sir you are not my father"

Zay- "where yo bean headass goin"

Me-"to go get some dick"

He looked pissed the fuck off, with that I bolted my black ass out that house. I know he gon blow up my phone and when I get back I'm not gon hear the end of it, he might try to punch me or something.


We're in the mall looking for stuff for spirit week. We go to a couple of stores and after a while we headed over to the food court. Before we got there though Phoebe saw this girl and went to go talk to her. So her doing that, I knew she was gonna take a while, so I went to go sit in the little sitting area they had.


Noah and Ethan dragged me to the mall today because they wanted some new shoes. I don't know why they didn't just go with each other, but I had nothing else to do so I agreed.

When we got there we went to a couple of shoe stores because they didn't have the shoes they were looking for. In one of the stores they had Ethan's shoes but not Noah's. I was getting kinda hungry.

Me - "aye can we go grab something to eat, then come back to shoe searching"

Ethan- "yea I guess"

We started walking towards the food court talking about random stuff.

Noah- "damn she fine"

I looked up to see who he was talking about, because I swear he call anybody fine. She did look good from what I could see, her head was down looking at her phone. Then she looked up as if she was looking for something. She was fine, darkskin, hair seemed long it's in a puff so i can't really tell, she had to be short, well at least shorter than me, very pretty. We made eye contact, so I had to flash this nice ass smile of course.


That is one fine white chocolate man, I could climb his fine ass like a tree. When we made eye contact he smiled at me, I almost melted right there on the spot. Can't show that he has an effect on me though, nigga will get cocky.

He should really come over here and talk to me cause I'm not speaking first, it's just not gonna happen.

After a minute he walked away with his friends and Phoebe came back to me. We then continued to the food court.

This dude just everywhere. I saw him in there, I didn't look at him and continued to go get my food. When we both got out food we went to sit down at a table.

As I'm sitting down I see him and his friends sitting at the table behind Phoebe, if this dude sit facing towards his friends that mean he's going to be facing me, ughhhh.

And that's exactly what he does. Irritating.

Phoebe was talking to me about the girl she had went up to but I wasn't really paying attention I was looking at the fine piece of man in front of me.

Phoebe- "girl what the fuck you lookin-"

She turned around to see him.

Phoebe- "ooo...I might be gay buttttt"

Me- "literally, like who is this man and why he ain't in my drawls yet"

We laugh about it and then I look up and we make DIRECT eye contact. Goddamn. I'm finna "Hey Ms.Parker", anywayssss.

Looking into this man eyes is really doing something to me, like baby no. The only blue eyed man I'm suppose to fall for is Jamal, this is ghetto. Subconsciously I start smiling, I'm guessing he saw that and licked his lips while smirking!! Girllllll, Niagara fall in these drawls.

I would go up to him but I'm stubborn, so I'm not talking to him first. What if he don't even like black girls, even though he just did what he just did maybe he's toying with me. And if he does like black girls, what if he's an asshole. Just a lot of things that could be wrong.

I looked away after some time, because I am not about to have a staring contest with him.

We eventually left and went back to my house to sort out our clothes and anything else that friends do at ones house.


Girllllll I started hybrid learning

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Girllllll I started hybrid learning...🙄

My AAH(African-American History) teacher is fine idc idccc 😍

That's all besties byeeee

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