I Do

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I walk through the barn doors, making my way towards Stefan and Damon.

"Have you guys seen Caroline?"

They both shake their head, eyeing my suit.

"She told me to meet her here-" I start, before giving in to their looks. "Do I look okay?"

"Oh, you look fine." Stefan compliments. "I just don't think I've ever seen you in a tux before."

I laugh and straighten out my tie. "I don't think I've ever even worn one before."

"Makes sense. You didn't do it right." Damon says, moving towards me. He grabs the ends of the dress shirt, tucking them into my pants. "There."

"Thanks." I glance around, finally eyeing the blonde. "I'll be back."

I make my way towards Caroline, pushing past people.

"Caroline!" I call out, finally getting her attention.

She smiles widely. "Wow. I wasn't expecting you to look good in a suit." She laughs, taking in my appearance.

"Neither was I. When does the ceremony start?"

She checks her watch, eyes widening. "In about 10 minutes. We need to go."

She turns me around, shoving me towards the field. "I'm going, I'm going.

She lets go of me, rushing back towards the barn.

I walk towards the chairs, seeing Ethan sat on one. "Hey Ethan, the ceremony is about to start."

He nods, standing up and fixing his suit. "Good luck, Kai. You'll need it."

I laugh. "I bet I will."

He pays my shoulder, walking towards the barn. Guests begin making their way over, taking their seats.

I take my position in front of the wall of flowers, Caroline insisted on having.

Music begins to play, slight figures making their way from the barn.

First duo is Ethan and Bonnie, who are both throwing flower peddles on the ground.

Next is Damon and Elena, doing the same, but also dancing crazily. This causes everyone to laugh at the couple, some even taking videos.

Next is Stefan and Caroline, who are laughing while Caroline trips over her dress.

Lastly, we have Liz and my beautiful fiancé. This marriage may be arranged, but I can't deny her beauty.

They walk slowly down the hill of flowers. My eyes meeting Elysias brown ones.

Her smile widens, causing mine to do the same.

When they finally reach me, I hold my hand out for Elysia to take, her doing so.

She stands across from me, Damon between us. He's marrying us.

"I never thought Elle would get married-" he looks at her, laughing slightly. "No offence."

She shakes her head, as if to say 'none taken.'

"Especially to a complete psycho."

I send him a look, causing him to back up a bit. "But that doesn't mean I'm not happy for them. They have their differences, but those differences bring them closer together. This marriage may not have been their choice, but in the future I could see it becoming real." Damon starts. "I see the way these two look at each other. It's like there's no one else in the world."

I glance to Elle, seeing a tear slip from her eye.

"I wish you two the best of luck, and I hope you have a long, happy marriage." He finishes. "Moving on."

Everyone seems to laugh at his speech, it being extremely quick.

"I'm going to just skip the boring parts, I know none of us want to hear that." Damon comments. "So, vows."

Both Elle and I snap our head to him, raising our brows.

"You did write vows, right?" He asks.

We both shake our heads.

"Damn, okay, uhhh make something up." He whispers, shrugging.

I inhale deeply, turning back towards Elysia. "I remember the day we met. You were so shy, barely even speaking a word." I start, grabbing her hands. "I never thought I had a chance with you. Whenever we spoke about our future, I always saw you in it, but I never explained how."

She giggles a little, willing away a tear that had fallen from her eye.

"I always hoped we'd end up like this, but never once did I think it would come true. You were the total opposite from me. Still are. But I think that's what makes us work." I take a deep breath, working up the nerve to say it.

"I want to make us work, because I- I love you. I think I always have." I admit. My face is probably a deep shade of red, at the moment.

She smiles brightly, before turning towards Damon. "C-could I not say anything?"

Damon just shrugs, nodding. "Well then, do you Malachai Parker, take the Elysia Connor to be your wife?"

I smile. "I do." I slip the ring on her finger.

"Do you-" Damon starts, but Elysia interrupts him.

"I do." She says quickly, causing everyone to laugh.

"Well, I- uh- I guess you may kiss the bride, Parker." Damon stutters awkwardly.

Elysia grabs my face, moving it towards hers. My lips meet her soft ones, connecting softly.

I hear cheers, but I try to block them out. I rest my hand on her cheek, leaning her back a bit.

She pulls away with a giggle, eyes meeting mine. "Hi."

I smile. "Hi."

We both go to lean in for another kiss, but Caroline interrupts us. She brings us into a tight embrace, Bonnie joining.

"Ah!" Caroline squeals. "You're married!"

"I am!" Elle yells happily.

"So are you now a Parker?" Bonnie asks.

"Yes, she is taking the last name Parker." I answer, seeing as Elle won't be, because she is being smothered by Caroline's arms.

"Elysia Parker. Who would've thought?"

I know this isn't how a normal wedding would go, but they aren't really normal.

Sorry for not posting, I've been very busy!

Have a good day/night!

Arrangement || Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now