Cas tilted his head a little and gave Dean his, That's so sweet, face. "Dean," he said. "I can't believe you put so much time and thought into this. Thank you."

"Hey, your painting required even more time and thought, I'm sure," Dean said, putting his hand on the angel's bare shoulder. "Also, I really want to kiss you right now, cuz that ring makes you look even more sexy than usual."

"I'm happy to let you kiss me, Dean," Cas said. Then he lowered his chin and raised his eyebrows. "After you brush your teeth."

Dean let out a sigh but climbed out of bed and went to the sink in their room. "You know," he said, as he was brushing his teeth, "this really isn't fair because you never have to brush your teeth." He spit into the sink and rinsed his mouth out. "You also never pass gas, or belch, so every time something smells fishy in here you know it's me," he complained as he climbed back into bed.

"You know you are really turning me on right now," Cas said sarcastically. "Let's talk more about unpleasant bodily functions."

Dean laughed a little and smiled, scooting closer to the angel again. "Let's not," he said, and kissed him. He moved his hand from Castiel's cheek to his neck, and felt something unusual there that caused him to pull away. "What in the world?" he asked, looking at the mark on Castiel's neck. He smiled.

"What is it?" Cas asked nervously, feeling Dean's fingers on his neck.

"Cas, you've got a hickey," he said, moving his hand away and chuckling a little, but also feeling a little proud of himself.

"A what?" Castiel asked, putting his hand to his neck. He scurried out of bed and went to look in the mirror. He moved his finger across the big, round, purple mark on the left side of his neck. "Dean," he grumbled. "What is this?"

"Relax," Dean said. "It probably happened last night when we were . . . . "

"I realize that, Dean," Cas said. "But how do we get it off?"

"Wait," Dean said, apathetically. He chuckled slightly. "I gave a hickey to an angel," he said in a giddy voice. "That's epic."

"Dean," Cas said seriously. "How long is this going to be here?" He looked at it again. "It's not exactly small."

"It should be gone in a couple of weeks," Dean said. "Maybe sooner. Look at it this way. It gives you a chance to expand your wardrobe. Maybe try some turtlenecks?"

"A what neck?" Castiel asked, confused. "That's a type of shirt?"

"Yes, it covers your neck and then no one will be able to see it," Dean said.

"Dean, I don't have any of these turtle necks, and neither do you," Cas said, clearly agitated. "And wouldn't that just draw more attention to it since I never wear them?"

"Good point," Dean said. He looked at the angel who was clearly distressed. He stood up and walked over to him. "Listen," he said gently, putting his hands on the angel's shoulders. "if you really want to do something about it, you can just heal yourself," he said. "That's the simplest way."

Cas looked at Dean, and he could tell the hunter was a little sad at the idea of Cas removing his "mark." "You don't want me to, do you?" he asked, compassion in his voice.

Dean blushed. "No," he admitted. He rubbed his hands up and down the angel's arms. "I kind of like it being there.  Reminds me that you are all mine, and how much fun we had last night. But you don't have to, Cas, really. Especially if it hurts. I get it."

Cas stepped forward and kissed the hunter. "It doesn't hurt," he said, with a smile. "I'll keep it. For you."

Dean smiled and blushed again.

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