MY BODYGUARD chapter 3

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I must have fell asleep again due to the eery silence that hovers in the car. I wake up to a sound of a gunshot and I instantly begin to panic, Tom next to me is flashing his eyes back and forth behind him as he curses under his breath.

Y: What the hell is happening?! Who is that?!

I look behind us to see a black range rover with black tinted windows chasing us at a speed of 90 mph. Tom swerves between cars on the motorway as he pulls a gun out from the glove box.

Y: you can't aim and drive. Give it here!

I hand my hand out for the gun and he frowns at me. One good thing about having lots of free time, I've become very familiar with weapons and learning to defend myself.

Y: I'm serious! NOW!


He hesitantly hands me the gun and I quickly take it from him. I lean my head slowly out the window to try and look at where the bullets are coming from and a shot instantly goes off, making me dive back inside the car, breathing heavily. I inhale deeply before aiming the gun out of the window at the tires of the range rover, hoping to pop them. I shoot three times before I eventually hear a loud burst, and the car skids towards us.

T: SHIT! Get in!

The range over flips over and flies over the top of us, Tom breaks as best as he can, I grip to the seat creating nail marks with how hard I am holding on. The range rover lands and we smash right into it as my vision goes blank.

Fluttering my eyes open, I notice I'm upside down and facing a pair of feet. I instantly begin to freak out and hit the back of the unknown stranger carrying me.

T: Fucking hell love! Calm down it's only me!

Tom drops me and I step back to calm myself down.

Y: Jesus. Sorry. What happened? Why are we in a forest?

T: You should've shot at them! Not their fucking tires!

Is he seriously trying to blame this on me?

Y: Next time I'll let you fucking do it then! Don't forget I just saved our asses!

T: No. you've just increased your chance of being found by another group, and now, we have no fucking car!

I sit on a tree stump, placing my head in my hands.

Y: I'm sorry ok! What are we going to do?

T: We are going to find a motel somewhere hopefully. We'll stay there for the night until I'm able to get in touch with someone to give me orders. They weren't meant to find out where we were.

Y: Were they... were they dead?

T: No. but I finished them off.

Y: You WHAT!?

Tom begins to walk off into the forest and I start to follow after him, struggling to keep up.

Y: You killed them?!

T: Yes Y/N! Now please shut the fuck up!

Y: You don't get to talk to me like that ok! I could easily...

T: What?! Get your father to fire me?! Go ahead, try me. You have no idea what I'm capable of doll. Now please do me a favour and stay quiet whilst I find a way to get us out of this god damn mess!

Now right up close to me, Tom's tone scares me slightly and my lips force themselves shut. I look to the ground, feeling defeated, although the nickname he just gave me makes my heart skip a beat. He turns around and trudges off and I'm forced to follow after him, constantly looking around me for any sketchy looking people. Luckily the trees are hiding us from the motorways view. I sniffle lightly to myself as I linger not far behind Tom, my legs begin to burn and I notice that my arm is bleeding, not badly, but enough to hurt like hell. I grip it with my hand, not wanting to say anything to Tom right now.

After about an hour of aimlessly walking down random roads and across random fields, I begin to feel really tired. My arm has finally stopped bleeding but my legs are unbearably weary, I decide it's time to say something.

Y: Tom, how much longer now? My legs are hurting.

He doesn't reply but I feel too exhausted to argue, in fact, I feel like I'm about to pass out. My vision is really blurry and my legs are really wobbly. Without wanting to faint, I slump onto the grass. Tom realises that I have sat down and walks over to me.

Y: I can't go any further, I'm going to pass out.

T: Fine, come on. I'll carry you; we can't just stay here.

I nod in exhaustion as he sweeps me up effortlessly from the grass. He isn't struggling what so ever, it's like I weigh nothing to him. I wrap my arms around his neck to keep me balanced, and without thought I snuggle my head into the crevice of his shoulder. He seems to stiffen at my action and a light smile creeps across my face, and it's like he knew...

T: Stop smiling. This is only happening the once.

Y: yeah yeah.

I still can't stop my mouth from curving into a smile as he walks us, unchallenged, through the field. I'm trying to fall asleep as we walk but the pain from my achy legs is keeping me awake. We approach an opening and I spot a motel on the corner of a quiet looking road.

Y: Tom, there.

I point to it and he hums in reply, I tap his back indicating for him to put me down, he practically drops me and I groan in pain as my legs adjust to standing again. He doesn't seem to care, obviously, he never does. We both walk in to the rustic looking motel, a bit sketchy, but better than nothing. Tom amazes me, he doesn't look tired at all and I am almost passing out, sweat dripping down my neck. And then it occurs to me. All our bags are in the crash, I have no change of clothes or anything. Although looking at Tom, he managed to grab his bag of weapons, nice of him to grab my bag, not.

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