Visualise Your Future as a Fiction Writer

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Writing a story is easy.

You just get a computer, write the story, then correct it.

There you go, I just told you how to write beautiful fiction, all in one sentence.

Everything else I say in this book will just be an extension of this main concept, so I suggest you click off this book now, and go and do exactly what I told you to do in the first sentence.

Now, some of you will still be reading, and that is okay too.

You want more information, more ideas on how to get started.

I understand that, and am going to provide those ideas.

But I also want you to remember that writing a book is very simple. There're three steps involved:

Find an idea.

Write the story.

Give it to people.

Repeat until you get published or feel confident enough to publish yourself.

But ... here's the caveat.

That process may take years, decades for some, including me.

For in that time you must grow, develop as a writer. You must build the skills necessary to be a qualified, professional, compelling fiction writer like the bug guns.

But you can do that.

It's simple:


Show people.





Until people like it. Until people pay for it.

You still want more information than that?


I will go into more detail; it's why you are here after all.

Firstly, though, there is something vital before we get to any other part of this tutorial for writing beautiful fiction.

We have to gain belief.

This is, hands down, in my opinion, the most valuable ingredient of a fiction writer's toolkit.

The ability to believe, and visualise the outcome that they want.

Now, before you freak out, I'm not talking about New Age manifestation techniques that your mother/son warns you about, implying that by thinking of a lotto ticket, you will become a millionaire. (However, nor do I dismiss this metaphysical concept, it's just not what I'm discussing here.)

What I am talking about is creating realistic visions of the culmination of all your hard work as a fiction writer, and what your career will look like at its peak.

Are you visualizing taking the stage to talk about your novel, or promoting your new story on a radio program?

Are you speaking on YouTube about your writing habits, or signing autographs after giving an author talk to a bunch of fans in a bookstore?

Thing is, we must see what we are going to become before we manifest into this thing.

You may have heard of this concept before, and if so, that's okay.

This is used by professional athletes to build peak performance, actors, those who've developed huge business and a great many other 'successful' people.

In my opinion, we all become what we believe we will become, so long as tragedy or misfortune doesn't interfere first (which in some cases, unfortunately, it does).

So, as your first task in writing beautiful fiction, I implore you to ask yourself, 'Who do I want to be as a fiction writer, and what type of story(ies) do I want to write?'

Write it down now on your computer, or on some paper:

1. The fiction writer I want to be is one who ____________.

2. The genre(s) I will write in is ____________.

3. These are the things I will be doing when I am a successful fiction writer ____________.

Write down answers to those questions.

Write for as long as you want.

Your next task will be to visualise what you wrote down.

Think of it while you are falling asleep, think of it while you are catching the bus to work or school. Imagine it while walking along the shopping strip.

If you are constantly visualizing who you want to be as a fiction writer, and imagine people's responses to your stories, you, in my option, will be more likely to take the actions required to manifest those particular repeated visualisations in your mind.

And actions are the most important step.

But that comes next.

Firstly, think about who you want to become. Dream.

Then it is time to act.

What type of career do you want as a fiction writer?

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