Riddhima : " Vansh just leave .. "

Vansh : " Not at any cost .. You have to come out and answer me .. my all answer .. you know how much your family was broke by your stupid act .. " hearing this she could not take more and she opens the door ..

Vansh : " Please answer my questions .. "

Riddhima : " Ask and leave .. "

Vansh : " There are a lot , don’t know where to start .. " said in confusion ..

Riddhima : " Why do you want to ask me about my life .. Vansh its my life and you are no one to ask me anything so please leave .. "

Riddhima shuts the door ..Vansh sits outside by door .. whereas Riddhima sits inside by door and Both cries ..


Next morning ..

Riddhima comes out of her room and sees Vansh sleeping in sitting position there .. then she makes in wake and asks ..

Riddhima : " Vansh , why are you doing this .. Who are you , me .. ?? "

VAnsh : " I don’t have any answers that .. why I am here ?? , why I am doing all this ?? , Why Vansh Rai Singhania had fallen that weak ?? , I have just Questions ?? .. nothing else .. nothing else .. "

Riddhima : " Come .. first come inside .. "
Riddhima takes Vansh inside .. and make him sit on sofa ..

Riddhima : " sit here .. and have some water .. " saying this he make him drink ..

Riddhima : " Now Ask .. ask everything that is in your heart and just leave me for forever .. forever .. "

Vansh : " Who was that boy for whom you ran ?? .. "

Riddhima : " I don’t want to answer , but you already know a lot about me so there is nothing to hide ... Don’t know why you are asking this .. but I will answer .. There is no boy .. " this answer make him Stuns ...

Vansh : " Then why you eloped from marriage .. "

Riddhima : " Because I never wanted to marry ... I just know one thing , that I have deadly illness .. That’s it Vansh … "

" Vansh have you ever faced someone’s death .. You know only thing .. I know is that the person dies but people related to that person , they die everyday .. I can see my family broken .. I can see them calling me cheater , I can see them facing my cheat .. but I can not see them dying .. I can't " saying this riddhima brokers down ..

Riddhima cries heavily and starts fainting ..
Vansh rushes and holds her and makes her sit ..

Vansh : " Where are you getting the treatment.. "

Riddhima : " Vansh… "

Riddhima sees the firmness in Vansh’s eyes to know .. They share an eye contact ..
Riddhima : " Vansh , I am not having .. "
Vansh gets shocked ..

Vansh : " What ?? .. I .. I can’t believe this .. Riddhima you have accepted death so easily .. without fighting .. Riddhima do you have any idea how much your family needs you , how they are waiting for you .... "

Riddhima : " Vansh , please ... Don’t make me weak .. You just leave .. Doctor had told in front of you .. that no need to take tension .. you .. you just leave .. "

Vansh : " No I am not going anywhere .. "

He lifts her forcefully in his arms ..
She shouts " Vansh , how dare you.. what are you doing .. Vansh leave me else I'll call security .. Vansh .. "

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