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In the Room of Requirement.

Vanity was front and center, a mic perfectly placed in front of her, her eyes closed as she sang, All The Things She Said while the rest of the band formed around her.

Kai has a large smirk tugging at his lips as he plays the guitar, his fingers flexing over the cords.

Jackie sent him a wink as she sang as an echo, her head moving wildly with the music.

Sweat gathered at their brows.

Micheal smirks as he slams his drumsticks powerfully onto the drums. His eyes land on Victor, who had his eyes closed, listening and keeping in tune.



Jackie plants herself onto Kai's lap.

Kai was deep in thought. "What's got your panties in a twist, you should be celebrating, we've perfected the song." Victor says, chugging a water bottle, crushing the bottle, and throwing it at Kai's head, cheering as it bounces off his head.

Kai chuckles, shaking his head. "Sorry, just deep in thought." Kai says

"About what?" Vanity pants, still breathless.

"Does Sirius Black seem different to you?" Kai asks "The sixth year? Since when have you paid him any mind?" Micheal asks, planting his feet onto Victor's lap.

Since the teen gave him a blowjob in his favorite spot, and then later blow him off and not the fun way.

Kai shrugs. "I don't know, he just seems different." Kai says

"Don't worry handsome, the twerp will be ancient history after we're out of here." Vanity chirps

Kai shrugs, agreeing with her. "Are your parents still forcing you to marry that Pureblood?" Jackie asks, completely changing the subject.

Vanity sends her a deadpan look. "What do you think?" Vanity asks "Pity, I was hoping to get at least one round with you." Jackie pouts

Vanity smirks. "Just because I'm engaged doesn't mean I can't still screw." Vanity teases

"Oh gorgeous don't tease me like that." Jackie purrs

Kai chuckles.


Kai tries and fails to avoid Lucius Malfoy.

"Malfoy, leave me alone! I said I'm sorry about hexing you're hair." Kai says annoyed, trying to avoid him.

Lucius rolls his eyes. "Actually you didn't." Lucius sneers

"Oh right." Kai says amused. Kai crosses his arms, turning to the blonde. "What do you want Malfoy." Kai asks

Lucius sighs. "Narcissa wants tickets to your concert thing tonight, I don't understand what she sees in your music but she is to be my wife and I must please her even if it means I must acquire these tickets." Lucius sneers

Kai smirks. "Fine, but you owe me." Kai says "What do you want." Lucius asks annoyed.

Kai pauses to think. "Keep Snape far away from me and my brother." Kai says "Really that's what you want, I can quite literally give you millions of dollars." Lucius says

Kai shrugs. "That's my price, I hate the greasy asshole, and while you're at it, hex him as much as possible, Merlin knows he deserves it." Kai says

"Fine, not like it's such a hardship anyways." Lucius says

"Good, I'll send you your tickets via owl, and dress appropriately. It's a concert, not a damn gala, I don't need you killing the vibe." Kai says

Lucius scoffs before walking away.


Kai narrowed his eyes on the moon, it was almost full. Just two more days, he can already feel his Wolf moving around, restless.

Not to mention the fact that the gig is tomorrow, but the others enjoy the heightened Kai, his emotions make his performance ten times better.

Nobody but Jackie knows that he's a werewolf, not even Remus's little friends.

The Marauders are so worried about Remus that they never notice Kai's absence. In a way, they were a little stupid and never questioned the second werewolf, the docile werewolf who never attacked any of them.

Jackie couldn't help him like James, Sirius, and Peter, she didn't have the time or ability. Being a Rosier, she couldn't risk becoming an Animagus.

She may be all about rebellion but even she knew that it was a huge and fatal risk to truly break the law, if her father found out, she would gain a fate worse than death, worse than imprisonment.

So Kai had to do it on his own, which forced him to accept his Wolf while Remus continued to fight him, it's why Remus carried more scars on his body than Kai. And any scar Kai might gain, they are replaced with tattoos.

The worst of his scars was one gained when he was fifteen, he had lost complete control. 

Kai has a large scar starting from the left side of his pelvis and ending on his right shoulder blade, he had more scars running up and down his back, but they were smaller in comparison, the Wolf seemed to like going for his back, which Kai couldn't help but feel grateful for, that it wasn't his face, unlike his poor brother.

Devil in the Details • (Sirius Black) • Marauders EraWhere stories live. Discover now