Heaving a huge sigh of defeat Hyunjin exclaimed, "I'm dead tonight, that's for sure",

That made Jisung's father break into a smile.

"Don't worry I'm still alive, he won't even be able touch a hair on you", and that made Hyunjin break into laughter.

Their time passed by together, joking around topics that weren't so funny, which mainly was Jisung. Sharing their insights on certain subjects. The elderly taught Hyunjin how to brew a cup of tea without breaking the cup and ruining the tea. And thus, their time was spend without a monitoring eye like Jisung's until, the tormentor himself was back.

If Hyunjin had to compare this life to his prior lifestyle, he would say that he loved this one better.

He may not have all the luxury of life here but at least he's not forced to attend any ridiculous press conference, that he hated so much or the official parties where no one even talks genuinely to each other.

He feels at home here. He's comfortable and relieved. He doesn't have anyone controlling his life except for Jisung who keeps ordering him around to do house chores, but he's fine with it. It's not too bad and besides Jisung is helping him, teaching him the pros & cons of living independently.

It's been over a week now and Jisung's father had made him feel at home. They treat him like one of their's. He feels like this is the most domestic he has ever lived. Playing board games with the older man, him calling Hyunjin 'son', helping in cleaning with Jisung and being called 'princey' by him just because Hyunjin can't do any chores right. Trying to help with cooking and of course, taking turns in sleeping on the single bed (the guilt of confiscating Jisung's bed was still there). All of this made Hyunjin feel at home.

Jisung might still be cruel and rude to him sometimes but Hyunjin has got used to his nature and now has learned to annoy Jisung even more whenever he becomes too much for Hyunjin.

However there are also times where he look up to Jisung. Jisung has impressed him in more than one ways and that's just for saying. There are those traits in Jisung that Hyunjin believe is impossible to be in someone at least in this century. He has come to learn a lot about this small family of a son and a father.


Evening came and so did Jisung. Hyunjin was washing the used cups of tea when the click of the door closing was heard. Hyunjin walked out of kitchen to check and watched a wore out and tired looking Jisung tossing his bag on the sofa. "Welcome home", Hyunjin greeted enthusiastically.

Jisung looked at his direction and just hummed in reply. Frowning by the lack of speech from the latter, Hyunjin went to sit beside him, putting the tossed bag on his lap.

"Was it that tiring?", Hyunjin asked, "Do you want water? Let me bring-", but before he could even stand up Jisung put his hands on his arm, stopping his action.

"I'm okay, don't worry. How's dad?" Jisung asked while standing up and heading to the kitchen himself. For a cup of water of course, but also to check if Hyunjin did destroy his kitchen as he expected.

"You guys had lunch?", Jisung asked while opening the refrigerator to see what he has prepared the morning is all gone by now. That gave him his answer.

"Yes. And did you?" Hyunjin asked looking over Jisung's shoulder to see what the shorter was finding in the refrigerator. "What are you finding?"

Satisfied with the almost empty fridge and the empty containers cleanly washed and placed in its place Jisung nodded. "Nothing. Just checking if there's anything left for me to eat",

"Oh there is. I thought you will be back by now so it's in the microwave", Hyunjin pulled out the food that is warm and edible now.

Jisung was left a bit stunned. Firstly, he didn't expected to find everything in its place just the way he left them. He actually expected to come and find a cup or two broken, but none. Secondly, he didn't really expected Hyunjin to wait for him and heat up his food for him.

"What are you thinking? Come have your food before it gets cold again", Jisung was brought back to the present world. He still can't believe that Hyunjin is willingly doing this otherwise Jisung had to drag his ass off of the couch to get work done by him.

Taking his place on the dinning table, Hyunjin put the utensils and his food before him and took a seat in front of him, passing him a smile and urging him to eat.

That got Jisung suspicious, "Have you poisoned this?" He asked with narrowed eyes, accusingly looking at the taller who snorted in return.

"Who's being a drama queen now?" Hyunjin couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Just eat it and if you have your doubts, then here", He took a big bite from the rice before him and mockingly started munching on it.
"I can swear, it's safe to eat. From where do you even think of such stuff", Hyunjin shook his head in disappointment.

Silence fell upon them and Jisung hesitantly took a bite, munching slowly and then swallowing. He waited for a moment to have any sort of side effects but when nothing happened he began eating as if he had nothing to eat for months.

"You sure are hungry huh?", Hyunjin teased while pouring water in his glass. Ignoring the attempts of the taller in annoying him, Jisung just drank his water.

"So?", with raised eyebrows, Hyunjin started.

Not understanding what the taller was talking about Jisung asked, "So, what?"

With straight face Hyunjin gave him his best exasperated, tired, 'done with your shit' look but Jisung still was clueless about what the taller wants.

"Well usually when a person joins a job and it is their first day and they come back home tired and even rejects to drink a glass of water, they talk to their family about how awfully tiring their day was. So?" Jisung still had that puzzled look on his face but after registering what Hyunjin just said his mouth formed an 'o'. Means that he finally got that Hyunjin wants him to talk about his day.

"Well it was awfully tiring as you put it and there were a lot of people but as it was my first day I only took the orders 'cause I still have to learn how to make those drinks using those machines and it will take some time so yeah, that was that", Jisung looked at Hyunjin to see if his answer was satisfying but guess it was not since Hyunjin bombarded him with questions.

"How were you colleagues? When will they start teaching you? Is your boss mean to you? Are you gonna come back at this hour each day? Oh do you even have holiday? Well you would have but I mean--"

"Enough", Jisung interrupted. "I'm tired", he whined.

And that was the first time that Hyunjin saw Jisung whining other than his serious and frustrated looking face. He made a mental note to not annoy Jisung when he's dead tired just for the sake of humanity.

"You tell me about your day," Jisung said "Did you do everything as I told you to?" Leaning back on his seat, and with raised eyebrows he challenged Hyunjin.

Hyunjin snorted and confidently said, "Of course I did. As you can see everything is in it's place and nothin' is broken"

"I see, What about my dad? Did you give him his meds?", And that made Hyunjin prior confidence crumble down.

With nervous chuckle he started, "you see... I- I did but the t- thing is that he refused taking them",

Jisung frowned at him, and to be honest Hyunjin saw that coming. "I know he'll do that that's why I insisted to make sure that he take his medicines",

"I know, but"

"No buts", like father like son "you know how important it is for him to take his medication on time but you-",

And before another lecture starts by Jisung Hyunjin stood up quickly and dashed toward the bathroom.

"Hyunjin, I'm not done yet!", and he could hear Jisung shouting behind him but who cares for now he just have to save his ass from him.



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