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Bella: Next morning, everyone woke up energetic and excited for the trip that they were gonna have.
They all gather in one room and make sure that they have everything.

Ryder: Okay, it looks like we have everything! Let's go!

Bella: Everyone put on their bags and get out of their room. When they were on their way out, Ed saw them and went towards them.

Receptionist: So you are going on the trip now? Are you just gonna walk all around the town?

Jake: Uhhh....yeah?

Receptionist: This town is not like Adventure Bay, it was wayyyy bigger! You need a car.

Chase: Like our vehicles?

Receptionist: Yeah? Which one of you can drive?

Bella: Everyone except for Cali all raise their hands.

Receptionist: You used to drive when you were pups!?

Skye: Well I didn't really "drive", I flew a helicopter.

Receptionist: You....flew.....a helicopter!!! As a pup!?

Skye: Yeah?

Receptionist: *takes a deep breath* Okay, so you all can take my car. And only Jake is allowed to drive.

Katie: Why only Jake?

Receptionist: Because even if you know how to drive, if the police saw kids like you driving a car, they might fine you. You know the meaning of paying a fine?

Ryder: Yes, we know. But we don't get fined money, we just get tickets.

Everest: Mayor Humdinger tickets.😒

Receptionist: Okay? So, you need to go now, here are the keys. *gives keys to Jake*
You will find my car behind the building.

Jake: Okay.

Receptionist: And please take care of it.....and yourselves. The streets will be more crowded here than that of Adventure Bay.

Jake: Okay.

Bella: They all get into Ed's car, which was a mini van, and they get going.

Rocky: Where are we gonna go first?

Jake: It's a trip, trips mean we just go anywhere. The GPS says that there is a museum nearby.

Zuma: But museums are boring dude!

Tracker: I would love to go there!

Ryder: Okay, how about this? Each one of us will choose a place that we want to go to, and we'll go there!

Bella: Jake parks on the side of the road.

Ryder: Okay, we'll start with Chase, where do you want to go?

Jake: You can choose from this map.

Bella: Chase looks at the map.

Chase: Hmmm.....there is a bowling alley, I'd like to go there.

Ryder: Okay, let's go to the bowling alley Jake.

Jake: Okay.

Bella: Jake starts the car they drive till they reach the bowling alley. They have fun and get some snacks from the Cafeteria there.
While they were eating, Ryder says.

Ryder: So Marshall, you are next to choose, where do you wanna go?

Marshall: There is a water park, it seems fun.

Zuma: Oh yeah! That's what I'm talking about! I choose the Water park too!

Rocky: don't want to go.

Zuma: Come on dude, you can stay in a dry place.

Rocky: There will be no dry place! It is literally called Water Park, not Water With Some Dry Places Park.

Ryder: It's okay Rocky, you can stay in the van with Cali.

Rocky: Okay....

Bella: Everyone except for Rocky and Cali go into the waterpark and have the time of their lives.
After they finished, Skye chose to go to an arcade to play the flight simulator and Rocky agreed with her, but he didn't want to play the flight simulator, he just wanted to play other things.
Tracker was reluctant to go as it was going to be noisy there, but everyone ended up convincing him to wear some headphones and come with them.
After they had fun at the arcade, Tracker and Everest agreed that they both wanted to go to the zoo.
When they reached, they started looking at all the amazing animals that were there.

Tracker POV
I walk around and spot a lion in a cage, he looked weak and hungry. I look around me for any employees, but I couldn't find any. Then I decided to do something that I might regret later, but I just had to do it.

Everest POV
I was watching the penguins sliding down their little snow mountains when Marshall comes to me.

Marshall: Uhhh....hello Everest, have you seen Tracker?

Everest:, I haven't seen him since we arrived.

Marshall: Weird. *looks around*
Hold up, is that Tracker? *points at Tracker*

I look at where Marshall was pointing and see a sight that shocked my soul out of me. Then I shout to Tracker and run to him.

Everest: Tracker! What are you doing!? Get out of there!

Paw Patrol or Human Patrol [On Hold]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя