Everyone: ....
Kaminari: Hahaha! Ramen?!
All might: They sure are...unique.
Mina: The only one that sounded normal is Uraraka's.
Sero: What's a hokage?
Dahlia: The leader of the village, they are usually the strongest ninja.
Kirishima: Wow, so manly.
Todoroki: What happened to my clan?
Dahlia: Oh! They were brutally murdered.
Midoriya: W-what?
Shigaraki: Oh ho-ho murder, my specialty.
Toga: Hehe blood.
Dahlia: Yes it was pretty bloody. Bodies of all ages, men and women, laying in their own blood.
Sero: What the..
Kaminari: Fuck?
Shigaraki: I want to see that.
Dahlia: Maybe next time.
Mina: N-no thanks.

"Well you are all unique. Tomorrow we will have a survival exercise. This is not like your previous training." They question what kind of exercise and Izuku begins to chuckle darkly. "Of the 27 graduates only 9 get accepted as genin. The rest will be sent back to the academy." The three are shocked, Eijirou then begins to complain how they worked hard on getting where they are. "I decide whether you pass or fail. Training grounds, 5 o'clock tomorrow. Don't be late." He turns to leave, ignoring their inner turmoil. "One more thing, skip breakfast or else you'll puke. Dismissed." In a blink he's gone.

Present Mic: Ouch that was harsh.
Tsuyu: Reminds me of the first day of school.
Uraraka: You're right.
Iida: Is he really fit to be a sensei?
Kaminari: I mean Aizawa-sensei doesn't look a teacher, more like a homeless man. But I think he's doing a pretty good job as a teacher.
Sero: Yeah, even if he threatens us.
Midnight: Aww~ Look Eraser, they care about you.
Eraserhead: *Slowly sinks himself into the seat and says nothing*

The next morning, sun barely rising. The three students meet and wait for their mask wearing sensei. It isn't till many hours later their sensei shows up. Ochako and Eijirou yell and ask why he is late. Izuku rubs the back of his head, "You see, a black cat crossed my path, so I had to take the long way. Ahem, let's start." He places a clock on a log. "Your goal is simple." He takes out two bells, "Take these bells from me. If you can't by the time the timer goes off, you will be tied up and watch me eat my lunch." At the mention of lunch their stomach growl in hunger.

Shinsou: Wow he really use that kind of excuse. 10/10 for creativity.
Mina: Pssh, how hard can it be to get some bells.
Tsuyu: Ribbit. He's a higher rank than them, he must be stronger than them.
Yaoyorozu: Why are there only two bells if there's three of them?
Nezu: 'Oh! There's another motive, very smart.' *Sips on his hisbiscus tea*

"How come there are 2 bells? There's three of us." Ochako asks. Izuku gives them an eye smile. "Heh, at least one of you will fail and be sent back to the academy. Anything goes, when-." He gets cut off by Eijirou taking out a kunai and runs towards Izuku. In an instant, Izuku is behind Eijirou. One hand griping his hair, the other his arm pointing the kunai to Eijirou's head. Shoto and Ochako stare in amazement at his speed. "Don't be so hasty, I haven't even said start yet." He lets go of Eijirou, "Okay, start." Shoto and Ochako run to hide, where as Eijirou stays put. "I'll fight you right here, right now!" Eijirou declares and runs forward.

Kaminari: Woah that was quick.
Mina: That was so cool.
Sero: I didn't even see him move.
Midoriya: 'Wow, that was fast. How did he...er I do that?'
Jirou: I don't know if Kirishima declaring to fight against someone who is clearly stronger idiotic or not.
Kirishima: I think it's pretty manly!
Eraserhead: *Sighs* 'Looks like the final exams didn't teach him anything.'

Izuku starts to explain one of the main battle techniques of a ninja—Taijutsu. He then reaches into his pouch and takes out a book, and begins to read. Eijirou stops running and stares dumbfounded, he questions why Izuku is reading. "To find out what happens in the story, of course. You're weak, so it won't matter if I read or not." Eijirou growls and launches a punch at Izuku, who blocks it with his hand as he reads. Eijirou then does a roundhouse kick, only to hit empty air. He blinks, 'what?' "Never let your enemy get behind you." Izuku says behind Eijirou, while doing a hand sign. In the distance Ochako yells at Eijirou to get away. "Secret finger jutsu: A thousand years of death." Izuku pokes Eijirou in his butt that sends him flying into the nearby river.

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