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Mukan sighed. "Fine." He relented. It was clear to him that she wasn't going to let him handle it or even be there it seemed. It all felt wrong to him. He was dying and Alistair wasn't. How come Alistair was going to be the miserable one? "Where am I supposed to be when you tell him?" He asked. Was he even allowed to be in the area?

She shrugged a shoulder then. "I dunno. I guess in the living room. I just want a couple of minutes with him." She reasoned before eyeing him again. She dropped her hands and searched his face. "Are you sure about this? Are you sure you want me?" He could change his mind and she needed to know now whether he was going to or not. Maybe he would laugh and say it was all a joke.

Mukan looked at her softly and put his hand on her cheek. "Bunny. I've never been more sure of anything in my life." He said with a gentle seriousness in his voice and eyes. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He cradled her face then and kissed her deeply. "Just be careful. I know how far his anger can go." (I'll sense if she's in danger. But I worry that I'm not strong enough to stop his rage.) He worried.

She let out the breath she didn't realize she was holding and kissed him back lovingly. "I'll be careful." She promised before grabbing his hand to tug him towards the car. She wanted to go and get this over with. "So, this is a really awkward question to ask but um i kind of need to." She said with a wince. "Does this mean i can still move in or am I like homeless?" She didnt know what spend the rest of his life with her entailed. Was he proposing marriage or asking her to move in or was he just wanting to date her?

Mukan chuckled. "Well I was hoping you would move in with me. But if you don't want to I can understand that. Especially if he takes it bad." (Maybe he'll just not try to kill her or flip out?) He thought knowing better.

She frowned then. "Yeah that's true, that might not even be possible if he loses it." She said deflated. She really wanted to move in with him but she hadnt been thinking about the downside. She held the keys out for him as they reached the car. "Lets just go and get this over with before i throw up."

Mukan chuckled dryly. "Yeah I can definitely understand the feeling of wanting to puke right now." He agreed with a frown as he took the keys and headed for the driver side door. "If he loses it I think I'm going to be selfish and move out with you. I don't have that much time left to have his anger stop us from being happy." He felt horrible and was praying that wasn't the case with every fiber of his being.

She climbed into the car and frowned at him before speaking. "I refuse to come between the two of you babe. Youre brothers and your love and bond is important. And secondly, if we're going to do this and be together, can you not bring up that you're dying so often? I dont mind you talking about it if you need to or getting it out. But youre not allowed to play the death card anytime you want out of doing the dishes." She tried to lighten the mood. "It is kind of ironic though."

Mukan laughed. "You got it bunny. And he'll get over it fast enough. You won't come between us." He said with a smirk. "What's ironic?" He failed to see the irony in the situation. Maybe it was obvious but it still escaped him.

She smiled faintly over at him through her stress. "That the only reason that i would ever choose immortality without hesitation doesnt need me to."

Mukan chuckled. "Yep. That's definitely ironic." He said with an amused smirk. "So you'd pick immortality for me then?" He nudged her as he drove towards what he was sure to be a screaming match in the best case scenario.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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