Good morning

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Alistair shook his head. "Then you can tell your friends whatever. We can be your security team or something. I don't know you or the people you talk to. But you'll have to come up with some way to explain it all." (Not my problem.) He thought.

Mukan mused. "You can just tell em we got sexual chemistry." He said with a smirk. "We can even fuck a few times to make it official." (I'm definitely all for this plan.) He mused.

Her face turned hot again, his words distracting her for a minute from what she was needing to say. She decided to try to just focus on Alistair so she wouldn't say or do something stupid, though it was a visible struggle. "Um. Yeah that's not going to really work. I have no need for a security team. But um...i guess I'll figure something out if it comes to need an excuse." She tucked her wet hair behind her ears then and stifled a yawn with her hand. She would figure it out as she went. She was sure she could come up with something believable. And maybe she wouldn't need to lie, maybe they wouldnt need to stick around that long.

Mukan frowned. "You can go to bed. First door there is my room and the door on that side is Alistair's room. We'll get the rest of it sorted out tomorrow." He offered.

Alistair sighed. (This is far more of a pain in the ass than it's worth. One life could fuck over the whole family. He should have just let her die.) He thought. "I have work to do anyway. Now we have to find the hunters as well." He said as he headed towards the kitchen table to grab his laptop and start researching.

She looked from one door to the other, not sure which room they were telling her she was supposed to stay in. On one hand, she didnt want to share with Mukan because he had been hitting on her all night. If she stayed with Alistair, her body would be safe from sexual assault but physical assault was a whole other story. Or were they meaning for her to stay on the couch? "Where am I supposed to sleep?" She asked casually.

Mukan chuckled. "Pick a room doll." He said casually. (Pick mine.) He mused.

"I figure he put us all in this mess so you can take his room." Alistair reasoned as he worked. "But I guess it really doesn't matter. You need us as much as we need to keep an eye on you and keep you safe, so you won't be going home tonight or calling to tell anyone what happened to you." (You're clearly not that stupid.) He thought. (As poor as your luck may be you don't seem the type to put other's in harm's way. Namely my way.)

She frowned then, her face reflecting how much turmoil she was in making this decision. She didnt know why but she felt like it was a big decision to make. So she looked from one man to the other before sighing. "Well i guess if youre staying up to work anyway, I'll stay in your bed. That way i won't have to really impose." She reasoned practically. It beat going to bed with the deviant, and really it made more sense. She stood then and carried her phone over to the kitchen, setting it down next to Alistair so he would know she wasnt texting anyone before turning and heading towards his room.

Alistair eyed her as she set her phone down. (Peculiar girl.) He thought. (It may be in our best interest if I cut this short tonight and actually took some time to get to know her. See who she really is and if this is even worth all this.)

Mukan felt a little disappointed but refused to show it. "Goodnight Hazel. See you tomorrow." He said with a smirk as he stood. "Sun'll be up soon. I'm gonna go crash. Don't stay up too late bro." (Damn. I was really hoping she would stay in my room.) He thought.

Ive Been WaitingOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara