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Alistair sighed. "I mean to say I'll never hurt you on purpose.or actively allow anyone else to do so either." He corrected as he gestured for her to lead the way to the shower. "I'll sit with you darlin." (I wont ever direct my violence at you.) He thought.

"I'll get the movie set up." Mukan offered trying hard to resist the urge to offer to join her in the shower. (I'm thinking a comedy with no violence and nothing supernatural.) He thought. He was scrambling to not stare or think about her.

She nodded at the two of them and made her way towards the bathroom. Once inside, she pulled her dress over her head and set it on the sink. Her body was sore, not used to using as many muscles as she had been. And her ass was starting to bruise from Alistairs belt. Overall, she was sore and exhausted and really starting to get numb from how overwhelmed she was. She was ready to shower and relax and hit the reset button. She turned the shower on and stepped inside to let the steaming hot water warm her skin and soften her tense muscles.

Alistair frowned at the bruises he'd put on her. "You're ass is bruised. You want something for that?" He asked softly. "It'll be kind of hard to sit down with that. And I should ask if that counts as hurting you. Cause I don't want sex to be the reason I break my word." (Damn. I should have thought of this before I promised not to hurt her.) He thought.

She shook her head under the water at him. "No I'll be alright. And it doesn't count." She reassured him. She felt bad now, she had worked so hard to get under his armor, to show him that she could handle his darkness. And now she was making him shut down again. She started washing her hair as she spoke again. "Thank you, for protecting me when those men came." She added softly so he would know that she wasnt being ungrateful.

Alistair nodded. "That's what your boyfriend is supposed to do." He reasoned as he sat on the toilet lid. "And for the record. It was either us or them. I chose us. I'm not going to go around killing Willy nilly in some wanton murder spree. I like living here and I don't want to make you afraid of me."

She knew what he was saying made sense, she was just a little shell shocked was all. "I know that." She reassured him. "My ex, when he and i were together, he had this friend over one day. And they got into an argument, started shoving eachother around because he owed my ex money. Like alot of money. Anyway, i tried to break them up so he would leave and he pulled a gun out, pressed it to his friends forehead and blew his brains out all over me. So its more than just about you. There's alot of history you don't know or understand." She reasoned as she rinsed her hair out. She couldn't help but wonder if Mukan was listening to everything they were saying from the livingroom. She assumed he was, but didnt put much thought to it beyond idle curiosity. The water felt good on her skin and it was nice to finally tell somebody something that she had kept to herself for years.

Alistair frowned. "You should have never had to experience that." He said apologetically. (Humans don't just blow each other's brains out like that.) He thought. "So I'm assuming you ex boyfriend is some kind of participant in some criminal organization." He guessed with a frown. (The only question is how much she knows and how much he knows she knows.)

Mukan was in fact listening intently. Then everything seemed to click in place. (He's gotta be after her or something.) He thought with a deep frown.

Hazel laughed dryly as she turned the water off and started ringing her hair out. "You mean a gang? Yeah. He did alot of fucked up shit the years we were together. I mean, we lived together we were engaged. It was alot. But then after he killed Truce, that was his friends name ironically, things got pretty heavy. He started lashing out at me, getting angry over nothing. And then he just dumped me. Like, out of the blue I come home and my shit is all stacked neatly at the end of the driveway. So i guess just add abandonment issues to my list of fucking baggage. Anyway, i havent heard from him since. But alot happened when we were together. So i don't want you to take it personally when i pull away from you or flinch. If I give you a look or shut down. I can't help it, its just how i am." She explained quietly as she dried herself off.

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