Chapter 14

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December 23rd

"Yes, I know, me and Alex are going to Target tonight to shop for tomorrow night, chill." I said, in the car with Alex on the way to a doctors appointment. Phoebe was listing off to me all the things that were needed for a party that she had forgotten to get the day before. I had one hand resting on my belly, and another holding the phone. "Okay. we'll go to Target after the appointment... uh huh. Alright, I love you too. Bye, mwah." I hung up and looked at Alex. "are we there yet?"
"Yes, give me a minute to park." He chuckled, trying to park correctly. I always loved to comment on his crappy driving, and he got upset about it. I liked ticking him off. He finally did, and I unbuckled. Actually having to use the handle on the car was weird- but seriously helped when trying to get out of the car. Alex eventually helped, though. And I rolled my eyes.
"What? People are looking, I'm not gonna be the guy who doesn't help out my pregnant wife." He smiled and kissed my temple.
"I can get out of the car perfectly fine on my own, thank you." I said as we walked into the office. Alex, on the other hand, made fun of my waddling. I promptly kicked him in the shin. "Hey, guess what. The baby is as big as a honeydew now." I rubbed my belly a little and looked over at Alex.
"I still don't get why they use food and stuff to measure the baby. It's weird, I don't want to think of our little girl as a... honeydew?" He laughed. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "It's just easy to get an estimate on how big she's getting."
"Miss Gonzalez?" Alex stood up, and then helped me up. I glared at him, and he just smiled. We walked in, and we already knew the procedure by now. We wanted plenty of pictures, she now had fingers and toes, it was insane. This little blueberry is now a cabbage (okay, maybe it was weird).

"This may be a little cold..." I've heard it a million times, but it was still surprising to feel the chill every single time. I looked at Alex and smiled softly, then looked at the monitor. We saw her little hands, and her strong legs that decided to kick me in the bladder at 3 in the morning. I giggled a little when she moved around, tearing up. Got me every time.
"Would you two like to find out the sex?" The nurse asked, and I looked up at Alex. I wanted to tell Phoebe so bad, and we could have found out a while ago, but we decided against it. But they asked this time again, and I nodded.
"Alright well, you two are having a healthy baby-"
"You're gonna owe me 10 dollars" I quickly whispered to Alex, and he rolled his eyes. "Am not."

"-girl." The doctor smiled, and Alex tried to look as happy as possible knowing he just lost a bet. I laughed and covered my mouth. "Hey, a mother knows." I said to Alex, and he just nodded. I knew he didn't care what gender the baby would be, but he also just lost 10 dollars, so. The nurse looked disturbed at Alex's reaction, but I didn't care.
She printed out our photos and wiped off the gel, then we were left in the room alone. I sat up and grinned at Alex, who kissed me softly.
"We're having a little girl." He said, holding my hand. I nodded, but then held out my other hand. "And I'm 10 dollars richerrrrr."

"Really? Come on, we just found out some of the most exciting news and you're-"
"Fine." He huffed and pulled out his wallet, handing me a bill. I put it in my wallet and hopped up, pulling down my shirt and taking his hand. "Come on, we need to go to Target and pick up some stuff for the party tomorrow, Pheebs forgot some stuff."
"Why am I not surprised." Alex smiled, and we walked back out to the car. On the way to Target, I sent a picture of the new ultrasound to Phoebe. I always updated her every single time.


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Baby is doing great! Found out gender- will tell everyone

(including you) at the party tmr. ILY!

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