Chapter 5

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We got there after another 6 hours, which felt like weeks. We'd left the flight at around 7, the flight took 11 hours. I was trying to do the math in my head without looking at the current time- it was around 2 am here if I got it right. I looked at my phone with a small smile- I guess I did know math.

We got off of the plane and looked around the airport- it was quiet despite the business workers who were trying to get home at this time in the morning. All the stores and restaurants were closed, so we couldn't get any food. We'd just decided to drive to Wilbur's and come in quietly- maybe grab something at Mcdonald's on the way since it was open all night. I sat in the rental car with Alex, sighing softly. I was a whole continent away from my mother, it was a huge leap from hours away.
"What do you want?" He said, looking over at me.
"What?" I wasn't listening, off in my own world.
"Like, to eat." he chuckled. I nodded and rubbed my eyes. I felt absolutely exhausted. "Just, anything. I don't care." I closed my eyes and laid back in my seat, stretching out and soon falling asleep.

I woke up in a bed. I had no idea where I was, but I didn't care. The bed was so comfortable, I felt like I'd been sleeping on clouds. "Alex?" I whispered, looking around. The room was bright, it looked like it was morning already. I checked the time- 1 pm. I quickly got up and pushed the blanket off of me, pulling my hair up and looking around. I could only assume it was Wilbur's home, and going downstairs looking like this could only mean I was about to get humiliated. So, I brushed through my hair and fixed my clothes a bit so I looked presentable, quickly going downstairs even though I had no idea where everything was. I found Alex, though, and he looked just as tired as I did.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty." he smiled at me, sitting at the dinner table on his computer. I sat next to him and sighed. "Good morning." I rubbed my face a little and put my head down, groaning.
"Tired?" he mumbled. I nodded a bit, and it was obvious he was too.
I got up and grabbed a glass, pouring some coffee that had already been made. Then Wilbur walked in (or, I think it was Wilbur? I hoped it wasn't some random guy) and smiled at me. "Hey you two," he was much more awake than the two of us were. "I was thinking about ordering in for lunch. What sounds good?"

I smiled as happily as I could with how tired I was and shrugged. "Anything really, I'm not picky." I sounded annoyed, but I wasn't.

"Okay, well, Tommy and Pheebs should be here any minute, they went out for some fresh air earlier." He said, going on his phone to order in.
"Do you guys have pizza here?" Alex whined, putting his face on the table. Wilbur rolled his eyes. "No, quackity, obviously not."

"Aw, for real?"
"What- no, you dumbass." Wilbur laughed, "do you want pizza?"
"Yes I want pizza." he said in a british accent, mocking Wilbur, which made me giggle. I sat back down with my coffee and looked at what Alex was doing- it seemed to be installing a bunch of VPNs and whatnot to protect our location, and he was doing it to my laptop, too. I laid on his shoulder and hummed a bit, sipping my coffee.
He looked down at me on his shoulder and then looked up at Wilbur, who raised his brows. Alex shook his head and sighed, continuing to type. I brushed off the silent glances and kept drinking my coffee.
"Guys?" I heard a girl say as the door opened and shut again. I looked down, I wasn't in the mood to meet new people.
"Wilburrrrrrrr!" A boy yelled in a british accent, running into the kitchen and snatching Wilbur's beanie.
"TOMMY STOP," Wilbur yelled, running after him and wrestling him for his beanie back. I smiled softly as the girl walked into the kitchen, sighing. "I'm sorry, they're always like this." she said, looking at me. "We've met, but not in person. I'm Phoebe." she stuck out her hand for me to shake and I smiled, taking it. "Oh, it's nice to meet you. I'm Olive."
"WILBUR! GET OFF ME!" Tommy yelled from the other room, followed by a thump.
"They're fine, trust me." Phoebe said.
"YOU'RE SUCH AN ARSE!" Wilbur screamed, and I just decided to trust Phoebe on this- she had to know what she was talking about since she lived with Tommy every day.

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