Chapter 4

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I was exhausted. My phone was burning from being on call with Alex all night- I'd forgotten to hang up. It died in the middle of the call, though. I hope I didn't wake him with the hangup noise. I stretched and plugged my phone in, walking downstairs to go speak with my mother who I hadn't talked to in a bit.
She looked at me and smiled. "Hello my darling girl," she said softly, placing a sausage on my plate and kissing my cheek. "Did you sleep alright?"

"Yes," I replied, looking at the time. It was only 9 am. "Did you?"
"Yes, my flower." she smiled at me and began cleaning up the kitchen. "So, I've decided to give you a day off from your studies. You've been doing so well," she kissed my forehead and I frowned a little. "That I think you deserve it."
"Oh... okay." getting a day off usually meant we were going outside, which also followed with getting yelled at for being too obvious. I sighed and ran a hand through my tangled hair, wincing when my hand caught on a knot. "Where are we going?"

"We're going to the store to get you some new clothes, you need them." she looked me up and down. I was wearing my favorite t-shirt that went past my waist, and some shorts. "What's wrong with these clothes, mom?"
"Are you talking back?" she snapped, giving me the mom glare. I sighed and shook my head. "No, ma'am."
"Good. because you've been in your room for days on end and I haven't said anything, I expect you to be happy to spend time with your dear mother." I just nodded, sighing. I went upstairs to put on my shoes and grab my phone, fixing myself up to look presentable, then went right back downstairs to follow my mother outside to the car.
I was in the passenger's seat as I saw people posting stuff on Instagram about Phoebe. I opened it up and read through it, seeing she was being doxxed and messaged from an american number. I frowned, feeling terrible for her.
"Oh nothing, just this... person I watch." I shrugged and quickly turned off my phone, hoping she wouldn't ask for it. I'd forgotten to delete the messages from last night. But to my surprise, she just continued driving and pulled into the parking lot of ROSS.
"Okay, come on." she got out and shut her car door, and I followed her in.
As we walked up and down the aisles, I was getting spammed by Alex. I sighed and finally just turned off my notifications, hoping he'd stop since he knew if I wasn't talking to him, I was with my mom. But he didn't.
I opened messages and saw 2, followed by 10 calls.


Olive please pick up, it's really important.

Olivia please, he could dox you too.

My stomach dropped as I read the message. What did he mean he would dox me too? I didn't have any direct relations to Phoebe in any way, besides Alex. And i'd only said hi to her once. How the hell could I get doxxed, too? I finally picked up as my mom went onto another aisle- I told her I was going to go look at the shoes in the far corner of the store. In reality, I just went into the bathroom and locked the door.
"What do you mean he's gonna dox me." I whispered aggressively into the phone, my hands shaking as I tried to stop the tears. I was terrified.
"He's going after all of us, he's going after who she's most recently called. He has her call logs, and it shows that it was you and me." He said, obviously as worked up as me. "God my moms going to kill me," he mumbled.
"What the hell do you think this means for me, Alex?!" I yelled, beginning to sob now. "I might throw up, oh my god.. M-my mom-"
"Okay, uhm- I got a message earlier. You might, too." He said quickly. "Please don't throw up, and if you do, mute yourself."
"Oh shut up." My voice shook as I leaned against the sink, crying. "Alex what do i do, it's not like I can just go to some hotel so he can't find me!"
"I know, I know, just... stay there. Maybe I could come get you?"
"It's not realistic, but Olive you've gotta trust me. Please. I don't know what else to do, and I'll hate myself for the rest of my life if I let you get hurt while I go to my safe spot where he can't find me." His voice was shaky too. I was backed into a corner and this was my only option.
I muted myself and threw up, coughing and crying at the same time. I wanted to die, for the first time in my life. If the doxxer didn't kill me, my mother would first. I unmuted myself as I wiped my mouth.
"You okay?.." he said, his voice soothing. I took a deep breath and nodded before realizing he couldn't see me. "Yeah- yeah I'm fine.. Just," I frowned and rubbed my face, looking at the door like I could see my mother who was across the store. "Pick me up tomorrow?... I-I need to pack. I'll send you my address, okay?"
Alex went silent for a minute before responding. "Okay... I'm so sorry, Olive. You shouldn't have been tied into this."
"It's not like you can help it," I replied, trying to calm my nerves. "I'll call you when I get home, alright? update me." I hung up quickly and sat down on the dirty bathroom floor, my chest heaving up and down as I realized how this was all unraveling.
I was leaving to go to a hotel with a guy I secretly sort of maybe didn't but did at the same time liked, I was going outside for the first time without my mother knowing, I was being doxxed, and it all happened in the span of around 4 weeks.
What had I gotten myself into.

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