Temptation Greets You Like A Naughty Friend

Start from the beginning

"I never have a response for that," I said as he moved aside to let me in.

"For what?" he asked, closing the door behind us.

"'Milady'. What exactly do I say to that? Mi.. what?"

"Mi... Uh.. Wow, I don't know," he said a few moments later, followed by an amused chuckle.


"No, that doesn't sound right.. M'lad?"

"That doesn't sound any better."

After a few more minutes of our attempts to settle what would be used (which was unsuccessful), I followed him up the stairs, clutching my bag to my chest. Upon entering his room, I set the bag on the nearest table before turning my gaze towards the center of his room.

"You get the bed," we said simultaneously. I held his eyes for a split second.

"No, it's your bed, you get it," I added.

"You're the guest," he gestured towards his bed.

"Exactly, and I choose that you get your bed," I countered.

"You are so stubborn," he murmured, shaking his head and crossing his arms. I gave an amused huff before mimicking his crossed arms, chewing the inside of my bottom lip as an idea popped into my mind.

"Or we could--" I cut myself off before I could finish, feeling a bit embarrassed all of a sudden.

"What?" he asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Never mind, I said nothing."

"What? We could what?"

I began making careless gestures towards his bed before exhaling sharply.

"We could.. bed?" he tried, raising an eyebrow and imitating my hands.

"What?" I squeaked. His eyes widened before he shook his head.

"No, I didn't mean--" he said quickly. I buried my face in my hands, hiding the blush and laughter threatening to spill.

"I was thinking more along the lines of sharing it," I said, but it came out muffled against my palms.


"Share! Share the bed, we could share the bed, oh my Gods, sharing is an option," I exclaimed, dropping my hands.

"Oh," was all he said before he brushed his forefinger's knuckle against his bottom lip, the other arm crossed against his torso. He was pensive for a quick moment before he shrugged a shoulder.

"Okay," he decided, and it took me a moment to accept his simple answer.

"I was expecting a more flustered response but okay," I muttered.

"Why? We used to share beds when we were little," he pointed out. It was true, we did have quite a few sleepovers when we were younger but I couldn't agree that it would be exactly the same.

"Yeah, when we were little," I repeated.


"Meaning we were little and not.. this," I gestured between us. He raised an eyebrow.

"This being a couple?" he said. I gave up with a narrow of my eyes before I reached for my bag, starting over towards the staircase.

"Where are you going?" he asked, confusion in his voice.

"We may be sharing a bed but I am not yet ready to change in front of you, Haddock," I replied with an undertone of playfulness.

"Yet," he repeated.

"Oh, shut up," I murmured, shaking my head as I walked downstairs. I changed into my sleep clothes quickly, not wanting the chance of Stoick deciding to come home whilst I was in the process. That was one experience I intended to never have.

I made my way back upstairs, heading into Hiccup's room just as he finished pulling a long-sleeved green tunic on. I raised my eyebrow, waiting quietly.

He noticed me a minute later, eyes widening momentarily before he ran a hand through his hair.

"Could've knocked," he joked as I neared him. I rolled my eyes before stepping forward to kiss him gently. I pulled away and his lips followed after mine for a moment before he opened his eyes, flickering across my face before he gave me a tender smile. My stomach fluttered as I mirrored his expression. Two years later and I still managed to get butterflies at the simplest gestures.
We were laying side by side on his bed, with a slightly awkward atmosphere between us. Glances at one another would occasionally be shared before being broken quickly, and I wasn't sure whether it was hilarious or sad. I kept mentally shoving away the urge to just throw myself into a cuddle with him, settling with staring at the darkened ceiling.

"Where's Toothless?" I asked. Both out of genuine curiosity and a want to diminish the unease.

"Sometimes he sleeps outside, I don't know. He's weird," Hiccup murmured back. I laughed once, settling back into the silence before I couldn't resist any longer.

"Can I..?"


I turned towards him, inching closer until I could lay my head against his chest. He adjusted until he had his arms wrapped gently around me and I exhaled softly, burying myself further into his embrace.

"Night," I said quietly.


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