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y/ns.left.nut: with these fuckheads😌
liked by kairideath mattiadgaf aleonlyfans and 132k others

theycallmevictor: damn no invite
|y/ns.left.nut: it was late

kairideath: bro u caught me off guard
|y/ns.left.nut: well stay on guard tf

mattiadgaf: ugh i look sexy
|y/ns.left.nut: *cricket noises*
|kairideath: *cricket noises*
|aleonlyfans: *cricket noises*
|theycallmevictor: *cricket noises*

aleonlyfans: bitch i wanted food to
|y/ns.left.nut: well 2 fucking bad

|loveskairi: congrats babe
|mattiasexy: congratulations

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"alr i finished my food" i said laying back on the seat with my phone.

"shit this is bussin" mattia said stuffing his mouth with food.

"he fucking that shit up" was heard from kairi's phone. me and mattia looked up and laughed.

"y'all bitches ready" i asked while standing up.

"yeah who's leaving a tip" kairi questioned scratching the back of his head.

"all of us tf" mattia said walking up to the front with us following.

we put the money in the little box and left the place. kairi was in the back and mattia and i were in the front obviously.

"can you take me home" i asked. i was probably going to get in trouble cuz isaac.

"you sure" mattia asked starting the car, i nodded.

i said bye to the boys and left the car. once i walked in my mom was there with isaac.

"so you knew and didn't tell me huh" she said with her arms crossed.

"i just found out today" i answered back.

"i don't care give me your phone" hold up what.

"what why! i'm not the one that got a bitch pregnant! i was in school when this- you know fine! i yelled and threw my phone on the table.

"give it to me in my hand" my mom yelled at me.

"no" i said and walked upstairs.

"y/n get the fuck down here right now!" i rolled my eyes and went back downstairs.

"what mom! what now! i'm sick and tired of getting in trouble by isaac's stupid mistake! why am i getting in trouble for isaac getting his ex pregnant! tell me why what did i do so wrong!" i crossed my arms waiting for a response.

"exactly" i said then walked to my room and slammed the door.

a: this happens to me ALL THE TIME

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