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Rouge was beyond pissed.

Carlotta was heartbroken again. He tried to warn her, he really did, but of course his bone headed best friend was to stubborn to listen.

"So you went through his phone?" Finn asked trying to get some form of information out of his best friend who had spent the last ten minutes blubbering incoherent speeches about how Landon was cheating on her.

Rouge didn't know how to feel, he was pissed at Landon for messing with her, but at the same time, he had tried to warn her. I mean who tries to get back with their ex who cheated on them twice.

Finn sighed leaning back in his chair and looked expectantly at Rouge, getting no information out of Lottie, his last resort was Rouge, after all he was the one who dragged her out of her house this morning.

"Are we gonna beat him up?" He asked playing with the pile of sausages in his plate. He was hungry as heck when lunch started but seeing his best friend in this state immediately put him off his appetite.

"Heck yeah, but we need to calm her down first, she won't even touch her food, this is Lottie we're talking about, Lottie who's always hungry and now she won't even eat." Rouge muttered staring down at his friend who had placed her head on the table, crushing her glasses in the process.

He sighed pulling out a seat and seating down next to her. He was never one with his emotions, it was either they got the best of him or he just ignored them completely which is why he'd often steered clear of people who cried a lot. It wasn't like it was their fault he just couldn't handle it.

But with Lottie as his stupid best friend, he had to learn a thing or two.

"Hey, babe, look at me." He said gently raising up her chin. He and Lottie had never been romantic involved with each other but hearing the pet names they often called each other, some might be fooled into thinking they were.

He adjusted her crooked glasses and wiped a stray tear off her cheeks. "It's going to be fine okay, Landon is a major douche bag and he does not deserve a girl like you, so I want you to forget about him and eat." See what I mean, I'm terrible at this stuff.

"That was a very horrible attempt." She said chuckling a bit.

Rouge shrugged sliding her plate of fries in front  of her, "eat, when we get back I want this plate cleared."

"Aye aye captain or whatever." She muttered popping a fry in her mouth, then another and another and soon it was like the entire world disappeared and all she could think about was her paper plate of fries.

Finn nudged his head to the side, indicating that it was time for them to leave.

Rouge nodded getting of the seat and walking off to find Landon, Finn right beside him.

They found Landon right where they expected him to be, behind the school smoking a pack of cigarettes with his friends.

A smirk made its way to Landon's face as he saw the duo approach him. "Back again for another round are we boys?"

Finn scoffed, "you say that like we didn't drag your sorry ass across the concrete last time this happened."

Landon chuckled taking the cig out of his mouth, releasing clouds of smoke as he spoke, "I was sick that day, and plus it was two against one, I'd hardly call that a win, but today I've got my men here."

"Men?" Rouge scoffed, "What men? All I see are a couple of boys who look like they're about to pee their pants any second."

Finn laughed, allowing his facade to fall and giving Landon the opportunity to take a cheap shot at him.

He stumbled back, clutching his jaw as a metallic taste burned his tongue. Spitting out the blood in his mouth he resumed his stance, squaring the two guys up as Rouge took on Landon.

Whereas Landon was slightly taller than Finn, these two scrawny boys were no match for him. Yeah they had a bit of muscle but Finns easily overpowered them.

"I'm gonna make it easy for y'all, you can either back out now or get your faces metamorphized." Finn didn't even know what that word meant, heck he wasn't even sure it was an actual word. But it sounded cool and these guys were too dumb to realize.

Fear flashed through the eyes of the boy standing to the left, his eyes darted form Finn back to the other boy and then back to Finn and before either of them could decipher what was happening, he shoved the other boy towards Finn who moved out of the way just in time, "sorry  Howard, I have a date tonight I can't afford to get metamorphized." And with that he ran off leaving Howard to the unmerciful hands of Finn Lacanster.

While Finn was in a kinder mood than usual, Rouge wasn't having any of it, within minutes of their fight he had already tackled Landon to the ground thrice, this wasn't just about Lottie, he had seen the way Landon toyed with other girls, it made him sick to the pit of his stomach and he hated that. No girl should feel that way, it's literally the bare minimum.

Regardless of Rouges sour mood channeled into beating Landon to a black and blue pulp, Landon himself had so gotten a few good hits in, puncturing Rouge's lip and giving him a good kick in the gut.

Finn was finished in a matter of minutes, leaving Howard laying on the ground in a heap, Landon managed to escape after head butting Rouge and making a run for it, tripping a couple of times before he vanished out of sight.

Finn with only a few minor scratches, went over to help his friend who was currently sitting in the gravel, spitting out blood and clutching his head.

"You good man?" He asked, crouching down beside him.

"Yeah I'm fine, I might need to get my stomach checked out though." He said swiping the sweat of his forehead.

Finn raised an eyebrow lifting of the thin material of Rouge's shirt, revealing a growing purple-blue bruise. "Shit." He said reaching out to touch it.

Rouge slapped his hand away before he could reach it, "don't touch it!" He exclaimed wide eyed.

"Yeah your momma gonna whoop your ass tonight." He said helping him up.

Rouge winced as he steadied himself, "she might not if she knows it about Lottie."

Finn hummed in agreement, "she does love her more than you so I'm guessing yeah."

Rouge rolled his eyes jokingly, Eliza Miller was a beautiful light skinned woman who unfortunately lost her womb in a tragic bus accident, so she opted for adoption instead and boom, she's created a little family of her own.

When Rouge invited Carlotta down for one of hid family barbecues, she easily became his mom's favorite. She even shipped them together even after Rouge tried countless times to tell her they were strictly friends, she just couldn't get the memo. But eventually over the years, she understood that they were just great friends.

They walked back to the cafeteria, Rouge wincing with each step he took.

Expecting to arrive at a table consisting of a red eyed Carlotta, instead they met her laughing with another girl.

A girl that made Rouge's heart stop beating for a bit.

Suddenly the pulsing pain in his gut disappeared as the girl in front of him evaded his thoughts.

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