Jungwoo looked at the oldest male and gasped as he stood up quickly.

"What are you doing here Yuta?"

The Japanese male rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah yeah, you're shocked. I've been asked that question three times today. Let's go before anyone wakes up and we're in trouble."

The two followed behind him as he rushed out of the room.

They reached the front and Sicheng and Jaemin immediately launched themselves onto the pair.

Yuta just watched for a while as they checked over each other.

"I guess I should get going now."

Ten shook his head. "No way buddy. We're bringing you back to the mansion with us."

"What!?" Sicheng burst out as he looked at Ten.

"Ten ge why the fuck is he coming back with us?" He asked quickly in Chinese so the others wouldn't understand.

"Calm down Sicheng. I need Taeyong and Jaehyun to talk to him."

"But why?"

"You don't need to know that for now. But he's coming back with us whether you want him to or not."

"He saved us Sicheng."

The male rolled his eyes but didn't say anything else.

Ten smiled sweetly and turned to Yuta. "You're coming with us. Did you bring a car or should we call one?"

"Uh, I drove here, but you have to tell me where we're going."

"That's fine." Ten said brightly as Yuta started leading them to his vehicle.

Sicheng huffed as his ex opened the door for him. Everything was suddenly starting to tick him off.

They drove in silence except for the occasional direction from Ten, and soon enough they reached the mansion.

The moment the five got in, seven people came rushing from all directions to check on them.

Jaemin was whisked away by Jeno and Renjun, Jungwoo was picked up by Lucas to check for any injuries and for soft hugs, and Ten was pulled into a deep kiss by Johnny.

Sicheng stood patiently, seemingly trying to calm Mark down as the younger couldn't stop glaring at Yuta, while Jaehyun and Taeyong were checking over the Chinese male.

Yuta stretched his arms and felt a sharp pain in his gut at the sudden movement. He looked down and looked at a deep cut in his side.

He sighed. He had already noticed a while ago. It was from when he fought the last guard while trying to retrieve Sicheng with Jaemin.

The male had tried to ignore it, but it was now starting to bleed harder and he was getting more light headed with the loss of blood.

He covered it with his jacket and looked back at Sicheng, just in time to see Neo Tech's leaders turn their attention to him.

"Why are you here Yuta?" Taeyong asked as he stepped closer with his arms crossed.

At Taeyong's words, Ten finally detached his lips from his boyfriend and rushed over to the five males.

"Tae hyung! You're probably wondering why he's here, I have an explanation I promise!"

"You brought him here?" Jaehyun exclaimed.

Ten nodded.


Ten sighed. "Because he saved all of us. Jaemin and Jungwoo both would've gotten raped if he hadn't stepped in."

"Who knows what could've happened to me and Sicheng."

Ten gave them a look and the couple sighed, knowing what the younger was hinting at.

Taeyong sighed and looked at Jaehyun. They whispered something to each other before turning back to Sichneg, Mark, Johnny, Yuta and Ten.

"Alright, Yuta, first of all thank you for saving them. We are very grateful for that. Second, can you come with me and Jaehyun to my office so we can discuss how to repay you?"

Before Yuta could respond, Sicheng stepped forward.

"It's okay hyung, I can talk with Yuta about that."

The other six males almost dropped their jaws in shock.

"You want to talk to him?" Jaehyun asked.

Sicheng nodded stiffly. "Can I?"

Taeyong and Jaehyun looked at each other and nodded incredulously.


Sichneg looked at Yuta once before walking up the stairs. The two leaders gestured for him to follow the male so he did.

He walked quickly to catch up with the younger, rushing past Mark who was still glaring at him.

Once he was out of eye sight, the Canadian turned to the rest of the group still located in the foyer.

"Did anyone notice he was bleeding? He looked kind of light headed and pale."

Ten raised a brow. "Really? He didn't say anything earlier."

Johnny shrugged. "He doesn't seem like the type of person that would. Especially in front of Sicheng."

"Well let's hope that boy doesn't accidentally make it worse for Yuta."


Hey guys :) We are almost done with this book! I'm planning to write about two or three more chapters, plus maybe one or two special chapter afterwards.

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