Dentist for ashleycasey5776

Start from the beginning

"Exactly what Jenna said," I answered "I walked into a metal post and hit my jaw. How do you know each other?"

"I'm friend with her brother," Dr Irwin answered.

"Oh," I said.

"It looks like you haven't been to the dentist in awhile," he said, briefly turning back to my medical records "Any reason?"

"I don't like it?" I shrugged making Dr Irwin laugh.

"Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you should go. Does anyone like it?"

He had a point there. No one liked the dentist.

"So what's hurting the most right now?" He asked me.

"My jaw, just here," I told him, pointing to the right side of my mouth which had made contact with the pole. "But my whole mouth hurts a bit. I should probably stop talking."

"Ok," Ashton said, "I'm going to lower the chair now then take a look, alright?"

I nodded, not wanting to cause myself anymore pain by talking.

The chair tilted backwards until I was lying down. Ashton pulled on a pair of gloves and a mask, rolling his stool to behind my head.

"I'm going to feel around your jaw first, okay?"

I nodded again.

"I need you to let me know if it's painful," Ashton said as he began to feel around my jaw. It didn't hurt until he reached the spot which I had pointed out to him. He pressed down in it, lightly, causing my to yelp.

"Sorry," he apologised. "I know it hurts but if you can be super brave for 3 seconds then I'll be able to see if it's broken or not. Can you do that?"

I nodded, even though I wasn't sure, squeezing my eyes shut as I prepared for the pain.

It hurt but thankfully didn't last long.

"Ok," Ashton said, pulling his mask down so it rested under his chin and rolling his stool to the side of the chair. "You have broken your jaw but luckily it's very small. It should heal on its own within a few weeks but you will need to stick to a diet of soft foods until then."

I was very unhappy with having a broken jaw, mostly because I didn't want to have to eat only soft foods. I was a picky eater anyway so I didn't want my diet restricted further.

"I'll talk to you about the foods at the end and I'll need you to come back and see me in a few weeks to see how it's healed and to give you the go ahead for other foods," Ashton continued.

Again, I nodded.

"I do want to check your teeth now, especially because of the bleeding. But first do you know of any fillings, crowns, space maintainers or anything you have in you teeth now?"

"I have a filling, somewhere," I answered, earning a small chuckle from Ashton.

"Ok, I'll keep an eye out for it."

He rolled back so he was sat behind me again, pulling his mask back up over his mouth and nose.

"Open up," he instructed gently, and I did though it caused slight discomfort in my jaw.

I felt uncomfortable having him look at my teeth. It wasn't Ashton, I had just always found going to the dentist weird. I didn't like having someone looking in my mouth like that and I did not understand people who wanted to be dentists.

"Obviously, I wouldn't want you to open your mouth this much if I didn't have to check your teeth because it's not good for your broken jaw. I'm going to give you a note for your teachers so they don't pick on you because I want you talking as little as possible, at least for the first week or two." Ashton continued to talk about what I needed to do to help you jaw heal; I was just thankful that I didn't need surgery.

I didn't even notice what he was doing now until I felt him use the suction on my teeth, probably to get rid of the blood I could taste. It tasted horrible, metallic, and almost made me want to puke. Luckily for me, and Ashton, I didn't.

Ashley's teeth were in surprisingly decent shape considering the impact to her jaw.

One definitely needed extracting but I could fit a space maintainer to prevent any further shift in the teeth next to it. She would need the tooth replacing as it was an adult tooth, but that wasn't something that needed thinking about right now; that would happen at a different appointment.

"Ashley, I'm sorry but I am going to need to take one of your teeth out," I told her, expecting a much worse reaction than I got.

Instead of the nerves, hesitation and potential tears I was expecting, especially considering she hadn't wanted to come here, Ashley simply nodded before saying "Ok."

He time seemed steady and free of nerves and she looked relax.

That was until I brought over the needle of lidocaine to numb her mouth.

She immediately tensed up, having caught sight of the needle which I usually tried to avoid.

"It's okay," I assured her "You should barely be able to feel it."

She nodded, nerves clear now, squeezing her eyes shut as I pulled back her cheek to administer the numbing.

I had always been good at giving shots so I was pleased when Ashley didn't even flinch as the needle went it.

"All done. Good job," I praised. "That's the hard part over; you jsut get to sit there and relax now, let me worry about the rest."

Ashley nodded, relaxing some knowing the shit was out the way. I waited for her mouth to be numb before beginning the extraction. The tooth came out easily, the pole have almost knocked it right out.

"I've got to fit a space maintainer as well, Ashley," I told her slowly. "I will stop any further movement and will prevent me from having to extract any more teeth."

She nodded in response, not wanting to talk.

It didn't take long to fit and went very smoothly, Ashley handling it all very well.

"There you go, all done," I smiled, sitting the chair back up. "I'm going to book you on for an appointment in a week's time then we'll book another one a few weeks from then."

"Ok," Ashley spoke around the gauze in her mouth. "Thank you."

"No problem, sweetheart. Have a good day."

When she didn't immediately leave I knew something else was up.

"Anything else I can help you with," I asked, knowing there was.

"Have you got any painkillers; I've got really bad cramps," she said, clearly feeling embarrassed and awkward.

I stood up, walking over to one of the cabinets containing an array of medicine.

"This should do it," I said, pulling a bottle off a shelf.

"Thank you," Ashley said, taking one of the polls and swallowing it.

"I'll see you next week," I said as she walked towards the door.


My follow ups with Ashton had gone well. My jaw had healed perfectly and so had the gap where he had extracted my tooth.

I had had an appointment to get a fake tooth to replace it which looking surprisingly real, real enough that I wouldn't have questioned it being so if I had known.

I was extremely pleased with how it turned out but from then on I always remembered to look where I was going.


Word count: 1835 (1858 with notes)
Requested: 26/04/2021
Published: 23/05/2021
So sorry for the wait.

ashleycasey5776 hope you enjoyed ❤️❤️

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