Chapter 9

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"Hey love, would you be willing to model Monday for a photoshoot, and River, too?" Hunter asks during breakfast the next morning. 

"Sure. Are we riding to the office Monday morning, or should we take the bus?" I reply while handing River his sippy cup with milk before sitting down across from Hunter, and next to River. 

"You will ride in with me, of course," he grins, taking a bite of bacon. "We will be done by noon, so we can have lunch out, then come home for River's nap, and I can work from here for an hour or two."

Nodding as I chew my bite of pancake, swallowing it before asking; "What season of clothing is it?" 

"It's the spring line," he replies sipping his coffee.

Yucky stuff, coffee.

Grinning at him as he surprises me by asking; "Oh, how do you feel about taking a trip during Christmas in a few weeks?" 

My jaw drops as my eyes widen in surprise as I shyly ask; "Really, where would we go?"

He grins at me while answering; "How does Disneyland in Anaheim sound? It's only a few hours drive from here."

"Really? That is so amazing! Are you sure that this won't be too expensive?" I timidly ask at the end after being very excited, since I am sure I will not have enough money to cover mine end for River and me. 

"Of course it isn't too expensive, I promise," he gently assures. "We are going from the 23rd through the 26th, and then we will spend New Years here together. We can even invite a few friends over that night, too, if you would like?" 

"That sounds awesome! Thank you, Hunter!" I squeal which causes River to squeal despite not knowing what the hell is going on. 

Giggling over at River as Hunter chuckles as he replies; "You don't have to thank me, love. I want us to enjoy our holiday and vacaction."

"I definitly think we will!" I agree with a nod of my head as we continue to eat. 

"What shall we do today, sweetness?" he asks as we finish breakfast, and we stand to clean everything up.

"Whatever you want to do?" I reply with a smile while I wash my hands after I have finished loading the dishwasher with dirty dishes, and starting it.

Lust swirls around in his beautiful brown eyes, making fire pool in my lower belly as I bite my lower lip while Hunter replies; "Tonight, after River is in bed, and asleep?" 

Purring lowly I nod saying; "Please?"

We have had sex eight times in the last four weeks, and I have to admit, the sex is AMAZING! Hunter has a natural talent at making it wonderful, and takes his time to make sure I am not uncomfortable, and he is very gentle with me, too. 

Hunter reaches up to cup my face with both of his hands to rub his thumbs over my cheekbones with a smile; "You are very beautiful, Lake."

Blushing darkly, I whisper; "Thank you, Hunter, and you are so sexy."

Slapping my left hand over my mouth in surprise with wide eyes as Hunter smirks at me; "Well, thank you, sweetness."

Before anything else can happen or be said, River hollers out demandingly; "Papa, down!"

Giggling, I walk over to him after dampening a washcloth to clean him off; "Did da make a yummy breakfast?" 

"Yum!" he purrs making me giggle again as he smacks his lips together in appreication.

Picking him up from the high chair, I kiss him all over his chubby cheeks. River bursts out into loud giggles as he tries to get away from my kisses.

"No!" he squeals as he places his hands on my face as he looks into my eyes with a wide toothy grin.

"I love you, River," I murmur moving my face enough to kiss his right chubby hand.

He babbles back at me with a toothy grin as Hunter wraps his arms around my waits to bring us back into his chest. He kisses the soft fleshy skin underneath my left ear, and I can feel his smirk against my skin. 

"How about we go to the aquariam this afternoon, after we have lunch at the cafe?" he softly asks. 

"That sounds perfect," I soflty reply turning my head slightly to see him with a grin. 

"Great. I'm going to work in the home office for a few hours, and then we can leave," he replies kissing me again behind the ear before pulling away. 

"Yeah, that is fine," I agree with a small smile up at his as I turn River and I around to face him. "River and I will go to the park so we will not bother you."

I am slighly dissappointed that he does not want to spend the whole day with us, but I will never tell him that. I understand he cannot as he has important work to do.

"On second thought, I'm going to the park with you and River. The park sounds wonderful," he quickly says as he must have noticed my sadness.

"No, it is okay," I tell him. "You have work that needs to be done, so you should do it without out us here as a distraction."

Smiling up at him, I walk around him to take River and I upstairs, so I can change River's diaper, then change him into warmer clothes, pack his diaper bag. After completing all of this, I stop at the bedroom to grab myself a hoodie, before stopping off at Hunter's home office to let him know we are leaving. Stepping into the room, I am surprised to find it empty, which makes me frown. 

Leaving the room, I call out; "Hunter, where are you?"

"I'm in the living room, love!" he calls back which makes my frown deepen. 

Walking us downstairs, I ask Hunter as we enter the room; "What are you doing? I thought you had work to do."

"I'm joining you two," he grins, and before I can even open my mouth to argue with him he continues to explain. "I'm not going to work on my day off, and not spend quality time with my son and boyfriend."

"W-what?" I whisper out in shock at Hunter, who is smirking at me.

"You heard what I said. I am spending my entire time off from work with my son and boyfriend," he grins as he wraps his arms around River and I to bring us into his chest.

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